Lucus oh's comment on SUNVIEW. All Comments

Lucus oh
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hollan 股。不要害人啦。
Lucas Ng
2 Like · 9 months · translate
Lucus oh
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Kent Lo
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Teoh Hwa
3 Like · 9 months · translate
Kent Lo
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Teoh Hwa
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Teoh Hwa
gogogo close green reverse trend, golden cross
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Do Do
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Teoh Hwa
ad mentioned reversed trend and up, lol, thanks those sold lowest price to us
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Teoh Hwa
woah first day close green, and trend reversed ebcome uptrend, golden cross, gogogo rm1
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Teoh Hwa
ops continue green, 30%,gogogo rm1
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa , above RM1 , is it possible?
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Sunview Group Bhd与一家沙地阿拉伯公司合作,探索可再生能源领域的发展和投资机会。

该集团向大马交易所报备,独资子公司Fabulous Sunview私人有限公司,与Vision Ambassadors Company for International Trade Consultancy签署了一项谅解备忘录(MoU)。


据Sunview称,Vision Ambassadors专门从事商业和小型企业发展的投资,在国际和本土关系强大。


“很高兴与Vision Ambassadors合作。我们不仅会在马来西亚,还会在其他地区,包括沙地、中东、非洲和东南亚探索机会。”


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3 Like · 8 months · translate
Teoh Hwa
why not possible, just wait, id reversed become uptrend now, mentioned since 60sen plus if u refer bacj my comment,just be patience, no need do anythg if no break support
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa , support now is at ?
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Teoh Hwa
74immediate support if support means strong, then follow by 72sen
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa, break support today wor
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Teoh Hwa
break support means run ,lol, i ad mentioned suppprt as above ad, please see my comment in all shares, those break support then like how hahaa
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Teoh Hwa
go see how my comment in leform since 22sen until ytd 50sen told take profit until now u can see what the result, 赢多输少你就可以长期累计了
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Elton Chan
Habis. This counter going to limit down soon also.
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Teoh Hwa
limit down不至于,limitndown的股都是piano volume
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SP Wong
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Melvin 8888
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Teoh Hwa
现在是个好机会,寻找那些还可以很硬的股,放进watchlist, 等市场信心恢复了那些股一定来先
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SP Wong
teoh, 什么股还很硬?
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Teoh Hwa
有看到msm ytl那些还很青吗?这些叫强者恒强,但是我们要reduce risk, 去寻找那些现在还能顶到很稳的,今天一点红的在screen着
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SP Wong
teoh, 多谢你的建议。
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Teoh Hwa
就像我holdings ybs今天还得很硬,ATH, 要看顶得住没有,如果顶不住就take profit limit set在74,不然就现在755-76take profit, 看自己要不要用0.25sen来博,简单化你的操作
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Teoh Hwa
现在跌的都是那些piano volume股,scib leform mersec现在mestro之类的,所以一定会影响个股情绪,如果今天还能站得稳的一定是会推的等市场好回,所以不要错失机会,下一个会丢下来的是widad sridge
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SP Wong
teoh, 谢谢你的分享
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Teoh Hwa
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Melvin 8888
SUNVIEW , start pull back up a bit
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Juno Eng
Teoh Hwa, 请问什么是 piano volume?
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SP Wong
Juno, 意思是很诡异的交易量,即是那只股被庄家操盘,上伸时爬楼梯,下跌时滑溜梯
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Teoh Hwa
你看那个volume每天平平的,因为庄家左手换右手推着上的,所以每天交易量都差不多一样而且很诡异的,参考scib, lrform, rapid, mersec,去年的有wells, 还没被炸的有sridge, widad炸了最近拉一点,等再被炸
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa , 这样这只sunview 也是跟mention 那些一样的吗?
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Teoh Hwa
它的support 72sen break了所以离场观望,好的是昨天从有拉个下影线,等它回到72sen以上调几天买回也不迟,你的赢面要高于输面才操作可以了
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Melvin 8888
Teoh Hwa,
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Teoh Hwa
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Teoh Hwa
整体市场可以等过年了,明天还有scib rapid这些股砸多一轮影响市场信心,如果持币可以耐心等待不需要着急,不要FOMO
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Teoh Hwa
melvin今天到tanco出事,然后widad, 还有sridge还没,这些piano volume我昨天都说了
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Teoh Hwa
lol Melvin, now u go see sridge, limit down, ytd i did mentioned as well as morn befote limit down, same to tanco
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Teoh Hwa
and now Widad turn hahaha, all mentioned hit
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Teoh Hwa
dk why, so excited, money on hand and can wait for chance, be patience
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Teoh Hwa
like ybs i mentioned ytd also, trigger limit put 745 end up kena then i csn avoid 71 now, more capital flow back lol, good can wait next chance ad
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Teoh Hwa
widad也limit down 了hoho
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Melvin 8888
ybs , also tumbling so far
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Teoh Hwa
ya but 745 my profit limit trigger so i didnt sold 755 but 745
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Teoh Hwa
means no use ad, chart not nice atm confirm must need time, so now more capitsl back on hand wait chance only, be patiencr, tml still gt scib and rapid another round, so this week and hold ur money and no need search chancs first
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Melvin 8888
today also drop until cannot see road ?️, red red red and top volume and big gap down
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Teoh Hwa
also tomorrow got rapid scib, so no rush to go in any shares, 市场信心不在就拿着钱等而已,不用赶
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Teoh Hwa
所幸leform从22进到50卖一部分剩下的49-495,在leform group 一直说了很多次,有些人一起赚大钱也刚刚好美美跑了根本不用担心这一轮跌完全没影响了
1 Like · 8 months · translate
Yes Teoh. No is really cash is king. Still feeling lucky able to sell all leform at 0.5. Don rush. enjoy cny better with the profit
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Teoh Hwa
congtays to you also!!! earn tgt and huat tgt, yea like i mentioned enjoy ur profit and bring ur family go somewhere for holiday and enjoy ur day
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Melvin 8888
Teoh Hwa was right, bad market must sit down and wait , don't simply go catch falling knife ? ?️
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Juno Eng
Teoh Hwa 谢谢你的解答
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Teoh Hwa
falling knife你接了又担心又不能专注做你该做的东西,倒不如不接,好好拿着那个钱去做些想做的事先,等一切明朗了才来进,至少买得安心,不需要搞到自己怕这怕那,等到图开始转向上才进也不急的,你要的是胜率而已,不是要表演给谁看,或说明天scib rapid可以继续跌了所以不需要让自己辛苦,等1市场回来了才进回,这几天要做的是功课而已好好写下来那些好的股进watchlist
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Teoh Hwa
话说CGB也是piano volume股,现价3.19,不出意外明天或者来着时间可以limit down了
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Teoh Hwa
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Teoh Hwa
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Luck Lee
Teoh Hwa, 请问为什么会针对piano volume 的个股,这样只丢法,他们还能赚钱吗?
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Teoh Hwa
不是针对piano volume股,piano volume股是operator左手换右手做出来的volume推上去的,因为人性的贪婪,看着每天那样上,就会觉得我买60几天后去70,可以赚了,但是人性的贪婪,他们再一直加吗,然后operator distributr, 一旦推到他们要的价位了,就一次过丢着下,他们的本钱都很低,像我所说,左手换右手上去的所以根本不需要从别人手上买贵票,反而可以出票
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SP Wong
teoh hwa, 谢谢你给的意见和分享。
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Luck Lee
Teoh Hwa, 谢谢分享。
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Luck Lee
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chua seng hui
Hi teo Hwa, mestron股价都还没上,为什么 operator会sell down?
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Teoh Hwa
用了三年出票....都是piano volume从底部上来都算倍了,现在出事是正常的,迟早,就好像cgb还没出事,等着看
1 Like · 8 months · translate