Fatty Bombom's comment on ARMADA. All Comments

Fatty Bombom
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《 深交三種人 》

1. 雪中送炭的人,此生不負。
2. 真誠厚道的人,值得深交。
3. 正能量滿的人,溫暖一生。

《 絕交三種人 》

1. 見不得你好的人,敬而遠之。
2. 人品不好的人,不必為友。
3. 兩面三刀的人, 不必同行。


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Ah Choon Wong
非洲獅….Genting 跌,乱乱砍 …. 哈哈哈 !
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Kevin Yap
not so fast LK, be patient. Time will comes eventually
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Albert Len
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Fatty Bombom
我的Botak 股505套利完了435的货,留着430的票……….430,435是ekovest 的critical support,critical support 我的最爱,我又怎能错过,玩了N次了…….. 买ekovest当然iwcity 也买了,也开始套利了………. 闪人………..
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Albert Len
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Kevin Yap
AL, sure boh....ini macam wa sudah mau hentam
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin ….he first time buy genting call, sure say like that …..hahaha! Hopefully so lah !
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Kevin Yap
alamak....that's BIASE...cannot like that one la....can AL first time buy ARMADA?
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Ah Choon Wong
Trump like oil, don’t like EV …………………….
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Albert Len
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Kevin Yap
wow, AL li-hai...straight buy straight up....kia-si-lan....kiong hee
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Albert Len
小春gadang 又赢了trc几條街了::::!嗅烟都不到了!哈哈哈
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Albert Len
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Albert Len
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Kevin Yap
AL...哈哈哈....ye lah tuh
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Fatty Bombom
Daulat Tuanku,周六元首登基………….ekovest 冲啊,430的票再套利一些哈哈哈哈哈………等着买回阿马达………闪人……..
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Albert Len
Ky,站稳4.84! rm6就很快来了!到时候我的c就hosei
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Kevin Yap
hahaha....li hai AL. Congratulation in advance
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Lee Biu Ghze
AL, 3A still hold meh?
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Ah Choon Wong
Dow jumped,led by ‘financial’and ‘energy’ as the rotation away from ‘tech’ was accelerated following an Nvidia-led retreat in tech on geopolitical jitters.
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
Armada… 1. 跌有限 ,2.MISC 收购消息,3 FPSO V Sterling 七月一号开始收费,4 每季2亿左右强net operating cashflow…..what some more you want ?
買了就等呗 ……..
票多…..YTL 和 ytlpower 票多吗 ? 要炒的时候,什么都拦不住 。
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Kevin Yap
ACW....apa mau takut bossku kan ....ini kali la
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Albert Len
哈哈哈、阿马大:::::! 看看我的四大天王吧!
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Ah Choon Wong
四大天王 ijm-C83,RHB-C53,CMSB-C49,Genting-C3D …..1-2 番 进袋了 …….
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Kevin Yap
ACW, shopping day :)
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Kevin Yap
LK, bunga raya ke?
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin …..Wait afternoon or tommorow Friday !
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Kevin Yap
ACW, thanks ya...will wait
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Kevin Yap
LK ok ok.....
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Kevin Yap
ACW...waiting for Pchem 97 baby
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Mayanne Chan
Me too, Kevin 哈哈哈
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Kevin Yap
0.025 will be perfect
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Kevin Yap
ACW, need your opinion... u check it out Arm...why so many cross trade? reason? Thanks
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Amin Abdullah
Something pelik to arma hahaha
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Ah Choon Wong
28 times 5000 lots ……..something very funny !
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Kevin Yap
ACW, that's a lot...u have seen this before ? confused Tuan ACW
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Choo Wui chian
Why is white colour one? Wat that means ya?
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War Breaker
55 times 5000 lots ya. 1 time 3640lot that's mean almost 28m share
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Ah Choon Wong
Sorry ….ya 55 times 5000 lots ….
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Kevin Yap
Alamak, war breaker....u really count it? wow
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Mayanne Chan
Hmmmmm.... something must be really brewing seriously here!!! 哈哈哈
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Kevin Yap
ACW, i saw this one once....cannot really remember which counter...but after than itu gg....that's why i tertanya lo
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Yap,that time is big counter or small counter?
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Kevin Yap
Demon...if i am not mistaken, it is mid.
But that time, the volume is relatively small but occasionally
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Kevin Yap
Arm different...concentrated after 3 pm and it is obvious
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Yap …..icic,but look like someone try to support the price level,throw 32m still at 565
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Tan CK
春兄,有跟到你的ijmc83, 有肉吃,谢谢你
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Ah Choon Wong
Tan CK …. 恭喜了,你的 LB Aluminium 如何,我賺少少賣完了 !
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Tan CK
春兄, lbalum 还留着,赚不多,我想靠近股息的时候会涨多一点才打算,你看如何?
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Tan CK
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Kevin Yap
ACW... cha cha...wonderful weekend ahead man
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Fatty Bombom
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Fatty Bombom
Alpha冲啊……….. 肥死了,我的巨仓,开始出货,有利不套罪大恶极哈哈哈哈哈
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Fatty Bombom
Cheap sales……..shopping time hahaha………….
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Fatty Bombom
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Fatty Bombom
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Fatty Bombom
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Kevin Yap
Bombom...not a bad choice !!! Good luck
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Gabriel Khoo
Bumi Armada and Navigator Gas anticipate entering into definitive documentation for the Bluestreak CO2 joint venture by the end of the fourth quarter of 2024. The joint venture is subject to the execution of such definitive documentation, approvals by the respective boards of directors of Bumi Armada and Navigator Gas, applicable regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.
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Ah Choon Wong
Tom Lee says , the rotation out of large cap is just beginning, small cap going to surge 15% in August …….
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW, yeah....hope to see ARM and CMS shine!
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Fatty Bombom
Chinese banks cut deposit rates to relieve squeezed margins…………china to earmark 41 billion in bond funds to bolster recovery………..
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Fatty Bombom
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Fatty Bombom
今天终于买到一部份550,还有几张买单排在那里……….. 祝大家有个愉快的周末………. 闪人
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Fatty Bombom
赚一分455先套利一部分ekovest 445……….. 昨天买445买到我怀疑人生哈哈哈哈哈…….. 油股不在油价跌收票,不然要等油价涨,媒体报道吹油价破一百才去做接盘倈哈哈哈哈哈…………. 闪人
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Fatty Bombom
买了一只美股涨到怀疑人生…….SERV…………追高买入9.12,卖完12.40,才几天…………现在23.34,哭死了,不到两周涨了超过十倍,uber,amazon 都有投资他,现在nvidia也要他生产物流机器人,美股真牛逼哈哈哈……….. 马股和美股玩法真不一样……. 闪人去找静静了哈哈哈哈………..
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Fatty Bombom
Armada 545 扫货哈哈哈哈哈……………闪人
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lau andy kok chong
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Fatty Bombom
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lau andy kok chong
哈哈...Fatty555 ,550,545掃貨,可惜昨天550出不完票??我看不懂了?!......哈哈哈
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Fatty Bombom
Lau,之前有560我还出了550,555………. 这只armada我一只是这么玩的, HLB在里面没办法哈哈哈哈……….
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Fatty Bombom
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lau andy kok chong
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Fatty Bombom
最近不爱留言常写了一大堆吹水然后post不到说contain spam word…………. 我今天买了不少东西很多都买在今天低点,可是有些也收在低点…….. 拿来玩短线的纸上总亏损才小亏七万多,还好啦……. 我做好准备止损控制在三十万以下哈哈哈哈哈………….. 闪人………
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Fatty Bombom
Lau,工作时间忙而已,看完球闲得很…….去年中了bplant jackport,blpant 我大批买入价位才六角多在出了业绩炸弹后买入,拿一半进出N次后才宣布私营化应该有三两个月后,总共有七位数profit……….. 今年看阿马大有机会中另一个jackport 吗哈哈哈哈………. 闪人继续看奥运哈哈哈哈哈
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Goh 288
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Fatty Bombom
谢谢goh……….. 买着下,一反弹就可以套利一些,底在那里不知道的…………我还试过油价破140,这只阿马达起几个bit便刷下来的,那时资金没现在大被吓到止损亏几万,现在不同了,水钱比以前便宜了一半有多哈哈哈哈哈………. 有时我为了买更便宜还会block右边,左右两边都是我哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
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Goh 288
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Goh 288
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Fatty Bombom
阿马达冲啊。……………….. 止损505后,买回460………在490,495成功套利一半……………
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Ricardo Siau
恭喜fatty... 昨天505進大單, 你的進價比我高明多了
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Fatty Bombom
恭喜Ricardo 兄,这只好料来的,我还有很多票,昨天525也出了一些票…………出差上海一周,今天回国,希望不要delay…….. 去年这个时候从上海回来在机上待了几个小时还遇到william Cheng 一起吹水…..五天不留言挺好的,有点不想和人交流了,呆子心态坏的太多了,尤其在云顶双雄……. Gens出个业绩,竟然会说要跌停这简直是可以做呆子首邻…….. 出个坏新闻又吹会狂跌真是笑死人……..要买便宜票无可厚非,可是别留言那些乱七八糟评论,只会让人觉得你是呆子,这种呆子别和我交流我会马上block的…估计被云顶伤害过哈哈哈哈哈…………. 发表一些乱七八糟的言论不会影响股价的,成熟一点哈哈哈哈哈……….. 股票只是赚钱的工具,你多悢他,股票也没感觉的,最好是delete watchlist向前看…….哈哈哈哈………闪人中国朋友要来载我去喝早茶了………..
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Ah Choon Wong
Fatty 兄,早安….. 和中国朋友喝早茶也吃肉骨茶吗 ?还是吃点心 ……..
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Fatty Bombom
Choon兄,早…………. 在酒店吃早餐………. 刚吃完吹完水回酒店,冲个凉十二点去浦东机场……….. 周一要回去上班做牛了………闪人哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
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Fatty Bombom
马航班机又延误了…….. 下午3.25廷误去5.55分,还好坐商务仓哈哈哈哈哈哈哈…………
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Fatty Bombom
Armada gogogo…………….
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Choo Wui chian
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Fatty Bombom
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lau andy kok chong
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一鼓作气到70啦 哈哈哈哈哈
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Elvin Chia
没有可能有一个人买300k在六毛多armanda 不会给他套利的,真是天真
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压到这么离谱 看到都怕人
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C H Lim
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Fatty Bombom
今天扫回495………阿马达有蛮多的美元债务,可以对冲的…….. 那些贱人选择性不说哈哈哈哈…………闪人
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Ah Choon Wong
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Kevin Yap
Wong, i am waiting!!!
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Gerbilg Rat
Still waiting.. LoL
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Jimmi Lin
Need to wait until the flowers wither. haha
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