Uncle Liu's comment on EKOVEST. All Comments

Uncle Liu
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K Lam
be calm and steady.know what you buying. here is forum,everyone can talk nonsense here
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Pokok Hijau Channel
selesai absorb 0.57 boleh naik atas 60 sen
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Maggie Saw
pokok hijau.market is very good today.why no movement?
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Dan’l Wu
Others have moved up again after a fall but Eko still having hard time to get back its feet
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Pokok Hijau Channel
kena tunggu operator play lah. small fish cant push higher
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Operator create selling atmosphere for this counter to absorb more. This is the market norm. They need to fend off weak players and eat up. This round will be the biggest round or similar to
Mid 2017 theme play. Be patient and stop making noise. Patience is the key to reap fruitful reward. Thanks
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The support is obviously formed at 0.55 and 0.535 respectively. Unless the overall global market tumble. Or else it will only have one direction which is the continuous uptrend. Dont aim 0.6 but aim the NTA or higher instead. YTL used 3 years to form the rocket uptrend. Be patient.
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Maggie Saw
haizzzzzzz drop again.market sentiment is good.index is green. hangggg
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sell LOR i change channel .....
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K Lam
luckily dumped all at 0.565 today. gonna buy back when below 0.50.
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Maggie Saw
what happened?wah lower than previously
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Pokok Hijau Channel
washing machine or water closet mode? if drop below ur support. sell first la.
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K Lam
scary me....up slow but dump damn fast....bought back at 0.50 now
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Quincy Lim
any bad news?
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Pokok Hijau Channel
50 cent psychology support. must rebound for bright tomorrow
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Meaw meaw Cat
Maybe next qr also red . Then 0.4 have chance come again
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Jia Wei
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Pokok Hijau Channel
hahaha dont angry, i jist tell technical part. if got discipline no problem what. sell if got broken. keep if broke resistance
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Maggie Saw
haizzzzzz.win 12percents.now become red.. what is next support point.feel like cut loss.i hate this feeling.my hard earn money.this con counter
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K Lam
you will get used to it Maggie. this stock pattern is always like that. if wanna safe pls go othe counter. never here
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K Lam
trader likes to play with volatility.
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Meaw meaw Cat
Worry is break below 0.4 , then if company still not making profits , may take few years , long time to come back
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Meaw meaw Cat
Big fund starting to sell , if wanna buy can wait lower abit .
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Pokok Hijau Channel
maggie, need discipline in trade. if broke sell. my guest this flush will lead to big up. but if broke 2-3 support. need sell first. this sakit jantung game not for everyone
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启颢 陈
iwcity 是不是也一起死…..
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Stewart Law
MS, now too late for u to run....I.o.l
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Meaw meaw Cat
Tomorrow have chance see 0.435, those want to test water can wait lower
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Gigi L
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Stewart Law
stand at RM0.48 firmly will be the bullish sign.....I.o.l
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Max Lim
Wow must be a lot of people get trap
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Maggie Saw
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Yeoh Siong Khin
.445 还会跌 不买
.500 全部压下去
.575 天气好晴朗肯定涨破一块
.495 全部都是骗人的。XD
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Meaw meaw Cat
其实 这counter 2020开始 亏钱 亏到现在 。 希望它后来不会一直亏吧
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Maggie Saw
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明天还会跌 抓你们当水鬼 39s这样进还差不多
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lee menglong
Maggie 昨天不是有人叫你放银行定存
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Meaw Meaw Cat
应该是昨天3pm 的新闻发酵了....
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Maggie Saw
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qiu xuanmiao
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Tan Hee Keat
Maggie 这个不是诈骗la, 人家正常回调 你说人家诈骗, 小心被提告
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Maggie Saw
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Tan Hee Keat
哈哈哈哈 人家 0.44 进的 0.58 买的 多香leh,哪里来的几% 哦
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huemax tan
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Nick H
Maggie 小心你的发言啊…冷静
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Maggie Saw
以为我会怕他们吗?我老板是谁他们还不懂,我上面子书找他们的公司也找不到,还说什么上市公司,连Facebook page都没有。还比一个路边卖榴莲的还够力。不是诈骗是什么。Serbak 2?
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Maggie Saw
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Esmen Chan
maggie 都跟你讲了没什么钱不适合玩股票的现在在这里发烂渣只会显得你很低级 输不起 你老板是谁人家也不会在意我 卖掉从此不要看股票了
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Esmen Chan
买股简单卖才难 优柔寡断你不输不要怪人 问题出了只会怪别人这种人永远不会成长
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Hew Yoon Shin
这间和rxpxd 比起来,小菜一碟了
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Esmen Chan
几千很少而已但做学费 10几%股市里面也不算多你遇到limit down 你是不是要泼妇骂街
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Simon Loh
Maggie Saw, 诈骗集团会把你骗光,但是你0.50买的ekovest最多暂时让你paper loss一些吧
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Tan Hee Keat
哈哈哈哈 我就说了 Maggie 和adeline 性格很像样啦 , 一直怪别人的错而已! 当初你买这个票就应该自己承担风险, 赚钱时候你不怨? 亏钱了 lai这里kaobeh kaobu 有什么用 股市就喜欢你这种性格的, 上升时候哔哩吧啦,然后不会卖套现, and than drop 时候怨天怨地
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Gigi L
人家大大间公司在Johor, KL. Highway那么大。你说人家老千。listed company 是看official website 不是 social media 的。Past years financial report, announcement 怎样放FB. 他的生意伙伴是谁看来你也不知道。
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Cut n move to other counter.. Your money will back.. U can't make any also..
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I sakit2 1 kali cut move to other counter, better than saw it drop n drop by a second
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Esmen Chan
Maggie 去云顶赌场输了容易去告他诈骗
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Meaw meaw Cat
Cut now or cut at below 0.3 . Meaw
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Cut it when u saw nothing, hahahahaha
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Meaw Meaw Cat
我 TP 0.515... 后上到0.58, 还以为自己卖便宜了, 好采也没有再留恋买回. 现在看来还是幸运的..
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U pandai oooo.. I should jealous you lor... Haha
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hua sun
maggie cut lose了吗
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Maggie Saw
这边的人没什么友善,我懒惰回复。我们是要来学习,不是要perli 来perli去。好像小孩子酱。根本没意思。
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Maggie Saw
hua sun还没有卖。等50多吧。不能了这个股。我承受不了。
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K Lam
high risk high return. know what you buying Maggie. don't get influenced by others
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K Lam
no one will teach you when to buy and sell
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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Esmen Chan
Maggie 你那种输不起发脾气撒野的行为才小孩子吧….0.5买跌到0.48 0.2sen就泼妇骂街 恐怖 莫名其妙自己发脾气到后面还是别人的错笑死
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Stewart Law
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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Stewart Law
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Meaw Meaw Cat
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Maggie Saw
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Maggie Saw
Stewart law有啊现在会慢慢学看图了。看来看去也看不到什么东西。起起跌跌
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Stewart Law
MS,还记得我之前给你的留言吗,还有 uncle liu的名言吗......I.o.l
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Esmen Chan
笑死我哈哈哈maggie 上面有人将你是Adeline 现在我相信了哈哈哈 讲不过就评论头像那个是我十几岁的照片 谢谢你讲我瘦哈哈 人都会长大你也长大啦好心你 拿那个十几k 玩输几百那边哭 真的我年纪也不大26岁我输几十k我还在股市 因为我不是用吃饭钱 你多大..拿十几k来玩就呱呱家看你经济能力都很有问题…
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Esmen Chan
你比我小你就不要叫人小孩子 你比我大我真的替你担心…舞台让给你小丑 继续你的表演……我收声哈哈哈 最后一句你真的很low 哈哈哈
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Kenny Lee
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Esmen Chan
kenny 你跟tan 的对话也不差哈哈哈
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Kenny Lee
其实我是看不惯Mr Tan, 你看他之前sendai的留言,如果没有删掉的话,他应该是sendai早早卖了,然后看sendai一直起,妒忌恨的不行,一直骂买sendai的人蠢啊,被骗,庄家套人什么的,然后被那些马来人骂,讲真的,我看大家华人想帮他,哪里知道他一直嘴见,其实就是男版maggie 面,哈哈
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Tan Hee Keat
哈哈哈 这个kenny sibeh attention seeker la, 一直写一下没有point 东西, move on 我们看未来la, sendai 赚的已经很爽了, 现在看着eko 回调 等买入点
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Kenny Lee
我的sendai 也是0.395,0.405出完,之后飞到7毛多,就算懊恼也是你的选择,你只是散户小咖而已,左右不了局面
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Kenny Lee
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几十k都好意思讲出来? 回家吃奶啦。哈哈
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Kenny Lee
Mr Tan,知道你sendai赢了,衷心为你高兴,只是怕你输了又emo,还要跟马奶人吵架,很丢脸一下,我真的想帮你的那时,只是你鸟话太多了,哈哈
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Tan Hee Keat
没有问题啦 klse 吹水而已 做么那么认真哦 看这个eko 等出现买入信号 才hoot 他啦 今天收盘不错 看明天午盘
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等hsr重启 还是有希望的
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Hew Yoon Shin
take it easy, 股票不是亏就是赚的了,吸取经验
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启颢 陈
maggie saw 做么delete comment…..不是不怕么 你的bomoh 呢?
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Anyone still keep the Ekovest?
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Hew Yoon Shin
all in already sad case
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Vincent Wong
Hoot 9e. No worry. Fly is just a matter of time. Boss need money desperately.
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