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tak pe.. nanti I datang balik kalau drop 49 before bonus entitlement. tak mungkin owner will give you earn so much if already confirm got bonus.. sure turun harga dulu then angkat sendiri harga murah
tak tahu lah.. tapi kalau bonus issue share if 1:1 then price will cut half...kalau warrant tak pasti mcm mana...tapi i rasa new support mcm di tempat director beli sahaja...last year they sell at 80sen then buyback at 50sen 55sen mcm tu jugak...
don't worry too much . based on 2013 after bonus issue, in 6 months mother climb back to pre bonus time level.. GUH is one or the stock I reckon that price will reach nta value.. just matter of time but don't know when.. perhaps 2 years, 5 years? don't know the time