Jane Lam's comment on GUH. All Comments

Jane Lam
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gets ready first accumulate 0.45
super lol
i queue at 0.450..but too bad..nt till my turn..so go others place and wait
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
you will gets it soon. just be patient
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Jane Lam
I Queued for one week 0.445,0.45,0.455.
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Jane Lam
0.455 done. now wait for 0.45 and 0.445 done
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Mohd Salim
boring, no cnfirmtion will uptrend or not. will buy once above 0.500
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Fadhli Mohd
Jane.. What is you expected TP
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Jane Lam
TP:0.50-0.60. As usual I will accumulate around 0.45 or below 0.45.
Don't chase high for such low volume counter.
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
this counter goreng too often last year de. it cool down to accumulating stage . don't play short term in such low volume counter. if buy then prepare hold at least few years
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Fadhli Mohd
Thanks Jane for very clear explanation.. Am agree with you?
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Tan Hong Jie
loss qr. aiyo.
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Jane Lam
the trend reflects de. maintain accumulating 0.445-0.45
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Henry Kck
gg qr
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Jane Lam
won't make much difference if you understand the QR
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
I waiting someone dump to me at 0.445, 0.45...
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Yong Hao
Time has come ?
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Jane Lam
accumulation still in progress.no need rush. wait them dump patiently.no volume.next accumulation I set at 0.40
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
this counter already goreng heavily last year. should be won't be goreng in short term. no need rush to accumulate.short term try to accumulate 0.35-0.45.
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
accumulate enough 0.42-0.45.
next accumulate target set at 0.36-0.38
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Suhaimi Kassim
dah beli 41 senx20K unit@berapa nak jual
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Tan Hong Jie
Less volume oh.
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Jane Lam
slowly accumulate.no need rush
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane 熊市你没有先把以前持股有赚幅的先套利一半吗?
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Mohd Salim
wait the price stable and will collect some
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Jane Lam
@tshherbg之前guh 跌破0.505我就套利了。现在收票中。最近都在加码股市。
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Jane Lam
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Tan Hong Jie
I wait at 0.3.
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Jane Lam
good if can gets below 30 cent
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
I still not accumulate enough at 36-38
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Jane 好的..害我替你操心了一下哈哈哈..熊市不被套就是个机会...一堆便宜票
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
blue chip 如genting,genm,pbbank,rhbbank, Maybank,FFB 我是不理熊市,牛市都不卖的。这些拿来收股息。投资大的股如guh 逢大跌缩量就会买入。guh股价升破0.45我就停。往上拉升放量就减持。股市热时就FIFO
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
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Mohd Salim
Tq Guh, hopefully can fifo again.
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
why non of seller want to dump at 0.36-0.38.waiting,waiting
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Jane Lam
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Jane Lam
准备好了吗?are you ready
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Jane Lam
0.36-0.38太难收票了。今天开始在0.40-0 42继续买入
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