Kong Hui CHONG's comment on BPPLAS. All Comments

Kong Hui CHONG
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Tempted to sell at 2.1* but what if now just the beginning ❓ Then i would have sold off too early too low.

EPS is high this Q and if we assume only 6.0 average for next 4 quarters, then at PE 10.0 the forward share price at RM2.40 (currently TGUAN PE more than 12.0)

Better wait for fruit to ripen.
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I suggest you to keep. I’m keeping too.
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Ng Wai Chong
Currently, economic gradually recovery, they expected demand would be high. Its expanding by adding machine to increase their production. Lastly, valuation PE multiple, compared with peers, it is consider low.
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Kong Hui CHONG
Yup, at PE10 and current earnings, assuming EPS 24 sen or 6.0 sen per quarter, should not sell anything below RM2.40
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Jeff Wong
muda GO GO GO
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Jit Shen Kee
sifu said, take profit is never wrong. hahahaha
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John Chia
I suggest to keep as packaging is a very bright industry especially BP is stil under value when compare peer to peer. Very regret my purchase vol is low althought my price is very low. Haiz
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Kong Hui CHONG
Don't need to regret, just learn and improve as Bursa will be there for next 100 years.
1 Like · 3 years · translate
I also regret, that I kept it for the whole year at 1.4 and sold at 1.6
dunno how to determine whether it will go higher or not = =
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Ng Wai Chong
Leanna... The time u bought at 1.40, what is the reason you wanna to invest to this company? Answer should be there when the time you buy.
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previously it went up to 1.7 and came back 1.4 then sideway for a year, so I sold this time and thought can buy back at lower price haha
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Ng Wai Chong
Yeah... From highest dropped to around there 1.40 side way, I think almost 6months+ (if not mistaken)...haha... R u guessing number and using feel to buy and sell?
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Ya loh, that time undervalue but sideway for so long so I thought my decision is wrong. can u tell u how u guys decide to keep it? because it's earning keep increasing?
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Ng Wai Chong
Leanna.. U might pm me thru FB messager (name ID same as stated) .. If u don't mind. For us sharing opinion with each other.
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