Fool's comment on PARKSON. All Comments

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Below 0.2 is Good time to accumulate for long term shareholder…

Do your own homework before you buy.

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Cheryl LEE
还好那天我20 sen买,5 分赚了卖。学肥地股神,料事如神
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Eng Ho Tan
不是赚就是亏 明天继续加码 六个月后再来看如何
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EK Abang
明天卖咯给分手费 cutloss 60%
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tim foo
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hoot 9e betul betul 是我最后的倔强
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Hock Huo Lee
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Jie Kee
wait for 13c…
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Eric Ha Chung Zheng
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chunye low
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Eric Ha Chung Zheng
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6个月看大马业绩对比去年跌less than 1%…
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Vincent Chin
冤枉啰,牛市未曾涨过,市场不好时一起跌,还要出个亏损Qr 。。明年再回来看这股吧,留给看好的人,一直想加码的人捞底吧。。
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Cheryl LEE
搞笑!那个什么鬼Auditor con之前大大声,现在静静。他讲的哪个TUNEPRO 也是业绩插水。
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Admiral Adama
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Hock Huo Lee
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chunye low
hock 不要买,炒股来的。
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Fatty Bombom
今天买了170。。。。。。150至155还会扫货…….. 怕的等150…………….buy low sell high………. 怕的等150…………….buy给他的子弹5巴仙都用不到,市值不到两亿小公司哈哈哈哈哈哈……….support zone 170至175……….150至155…………. 闪人
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Caleb Lau
不知道你有没有兴趣研究一下star 哈哈哈
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老板不这样说 你们乱丢票不是更死
所以好好做老板傀儡 不会错的 哈哈哈
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Wow, FB buying again? Continue to average down?
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Hoong Siew
上升趋势,cdb maxis bimb kfima axiata hlcap
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Hock Huo Lee
go go go go
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tks Alan
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Cheryl LEE
不会烧到。看我表演,我昨天0.17 买入,刚才0.18 卖,闪人。是不是投资很简单。
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lol , like bought 1 lot .17 and sell 1 lot at .18
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Cheryl LEE
This is Secret …… 闪人
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Lim Shaw Thong
Cheryl 没有恶意,你是投机吧!不管什么方法,能赚钱就是王道。
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congratulations Cheryl -:)
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哇! 恭喜Cheryl 。。。 精彩!
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tim foo
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oh my goodness
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Have you finished reading the report, F@@L, Restia? What do you think? There is one thing that I am perplexed after going through it. It is known that the performance is seasonal and Q2 was a low season. The timing of one of its corporate action is probably the non-recurring / one-off contributing cause to the loss rather than seasonality.
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Auditor Consultant
cheng, if you read the financial statements for q2 properly

you will know that the huge losses was due to forex arising from loan payment

it is a macro economics factor beyond normal control

after normalisation done, it should be alright

Wat we need to highlight to top mgt is that

any hedging instrument for forex

any plan to enter into forex forward contract to reduce the forex impact in long run
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4 Like · 1 month · translate
spot on, AC :) RM34M forex loss due to full settlement of the HK$ denominated bank loans pulled down the operating profit to RM65.9M. This is where I am perplexed of the timing for the execution of the full settlement of the loan.
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Cheryl LEE
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Fatty Bombom
170,175 support zone valid,老板很孤寒不舍得洗破170的哈哈哈哈哈……….. 恭喜有买的,大家赚钱最开心哈哈哈哈哈………. 170买180出都超5%了哈哈哈………传统公司有一优点我喜欢的,就是产业都是几十年前买的,现在很值钱的,就算拿票斗长命也安心……又不是买三角以上哈哈哈哈哈…….闪人
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Second quarter net loss 14.363 million
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Auditor Consultant
cheng, should thx to the market player for panic selling

top up at lower price

macroeconomic factor plus timing difference due to loan settlement in foreign currency resulting in one off expenses triggered anxiety is good

if could drop to 15 cents it would be great
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Auditor Consultant
SATS is an example on how market player helped investor collect on lower price

when ppl re panic selling due to rights issue

maybe many did not realize that cost of capital from right issues is cheaper than normal financial institution

now hope more to ask for selling...

always grab opportunity from market

thx to invisible hand
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3 Like · 1 month · translate
Auditor Consultant

mbmr 也是不错的,只会越来越好

而且当了jaecoo dealer ,如虎添翼

future earning will be more

不过现在高价了,自己study risk reward analysis
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Fatty Bombom
170 帮忙一起顶一下,昨天买今天买有点怕啦,又是你们告诉我好料的哈哈哈哈哈哈哈………. 闪人
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chunye low
这个公司回去130 吧。。。
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Hock Huo Lee
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Liang Ge
parkson sg 和 hk 都从业绩报告后反弹10% 和 20%,为什么parkson malaysia 还在跌不停。。。不明白。。
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再跌再买再跌再买 最后的倔强.....
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tim foo
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tim foo
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Rys Lih
all manipulated's just a game
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still too dangerous to hold big portion for long term, goreng a bit may be.....
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tim foo
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chunye low
这个公司业绩好还是坏有分别吗?赚钱也没分给你,亏钱大家一起承担。哎哟,我的妈,朽木不可雕。。。NTA 1.26,股价0.17, 市场会给这个价钱也是有它的理由啦。
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Fatty Bombom
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J Wong KS
Auditor favourite stock must be goodddddd
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China's latest economic measures seems a bit aggressive; particularly addressing the sluggish property sector and liquidity support for China stocks; strong support for equity market if you will. Will there be more measures in coming months to increase the consumer consumption/spending which is their main GDP contributor?
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Audrey Teh
plus O bnnkkkj bk bk bk bk
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priced in low seasonality in Q3. A better than expected performance in Q3 will send it up north all the way to Q4'24 and Q1'25 which will be a seasonally strong quarters - festive seasons.
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Ricardo Siau
Chinese markets sizzling hot... wealth effect may reverse the weak consumer sentiment very soon
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Indeed, Ricardo. Monetary policies followed by fiscal policies
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Fatty Bombom
哈哈哈,恭喜大家有买170的………. 我不断扫了很多170,两天套利了三分之一………都讲这股很好玩的………. 闪人………
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J Wong KS
aldy say auditor say good. i aldy sapu
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Fatty Bombom
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Auditor Consultant



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Rys Lih
fly Liao Parkinson
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coming budget will probably be focusing on lower income groups, B40 and civil servant groups; cash handouts / bonuses / subsidies. Hopefully will drive higher spending during festive seasons in Q1'25.
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Auditor Consultant
when RM appreciates I would be grateful if the gov could at least control price of certain goods esp for those that are manufactured locally

must do something or else no use as well
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why stop trading ?
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Francis Lau
out of sgx watch-list (similar to pn17 of bursa)
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consider good news ya
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SK Cheah
In bursa, good news = sell... XD
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looks like u r right
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sell for news...?.................
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not a surprise for PRA to exit the watchlist as Malaysia ops has been reporting positive profits for 3 consecutive years now. PRG (China ops) has just reported the first profitable fiscal year in FY23 and we should continue to see 2nd consecutive profitable fiscal year in FY24 barring any unforeseen circumstances. It is PHB that has yet to report the first profitable fiscal year due to impairment charges; so near yet so far in FY23 though. While impairment is a non-cash expense, it will drag the net profit down as impairment is considered as "operating expense". On the positive side, impairment will lower down the asset value which in return will reduce the depreciation expense over the longer term; positive impact to profitability. Either sell non profitable China malls to stop impairment or wait for the inflection point where asset value is lower than recoverable amount. It feels like management opting for the latter as we have not seen aggressive closure of non profitable malls in China yet.
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Auditor Consultant
sell on news

just don't bother if you are looking for mid to long term

this is just a type of noise in stock market
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PRA gap up last Friday and PRG continued to scale higher; more than 50% in a week.
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Auditor Consultant

that why don't bother about selling on news

this is a trick and trap being told by syndicates

must hold and collect on dip

where got sell on news

all scare ppl and caused panic selling

those are noises

just don't bother the noise

return will be handsomely good
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Orson Chin
How how how , any big Kang Tao here ?
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I am still holding it, AC. Not doing anything about it until FY24 results is out by early next year.
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War Breaker







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War Breaker

1. 线上线下融合(O2O)

未来的零售业可能会更倾向于线上与线下的融合,即O2O模式(Online to Offline)。许多品牌已经开始在实体店内提供在线下单和取货服务,或在线上购买、线下体验的方式。这种混合模式可以满足消费者在线便利性和实体店体验感的需求。

2. 个性化购物体验


3. 增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)


4. 无人店和自动化技术

无人零售店和自动化技术的应用将使实体零售更加智能化。例如,亚马逊的Amazon Go无人商店通过AI和物联网技术,实现了无收银员购物,这类店铺可能会在未来更加普及。
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War Breaker
5. 可持续发展和本地化


6. 即时配送和物流技术的进步


7. 社交购物和直播电商



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KachiFX Bursa
We say it will test 0.235++ range! Don’t miss out on the boat! Find us on tele
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Thanks for sharing, war breaker. More stimulus should be expected from China gomen as they are adamant to meet the 5% growth rate for 2024; which means higher consumer consumption/spending needed to meet the target. Some economists anticipating that a higher fiscal measures in trillion yuan will probably be announced by the end of the month to meet the growth number.
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KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 7 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim expressed optimism about Budget 2025 after signing documents at the Ministry of Finance today, noting that it will strengthen the economic framework and promote equitable distribution. Budget 2025 will be tabled in Parliament on October 18, 2024. “With optimism, I anticipate that during the budget presentation on October 18, further enhancements to the economic framework will be unveiled, aiming to facilitate a more equitable distribution of accelerated economic growth among a wider population,” he wrote on the X platform.He also expressed sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the formulation of Budget 2025.

In a recent interview with CNBC, Anwar, who also serves as finance minister, said the Madani government will address inflation and boost wages in the upcoming budget. — Bernama
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Vincent Chin
why sifu here keep asking people collect on dip since at 0.30?What strategy, is it unlimited bullet? Last week stock price achieved 1 year lowest 0.165,just rebound then now all very excited than holding speed99....
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Unlimited bullet strategy will never lose. safest strategy among all.
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Let's see whether any new fiscal measures in trillion yuan as anticipated by economists in the two upcoming meeting/conference (1) Ministry of Finance fiscal policy briefing on 12th Oct (2) Standing committee of the National People's Congress on 20th to 24th Oct. China's GDP in 2023 is about RMB126 trillion and more than 50% of it contributed by consumer consumption/spending. The target for 2024 is 5% growth rate. Millions worth of monetary/fiscal policies wont make much of a difference to its GDP :) A 1% of monetary/fiscal policies worth of 2023 GDP is equivalent to RMB1.3 trillion.
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Higher disposable income in the budget for lower income groups should benefit retailers like Parkson and Aeon. Coming festive seasons should be good.
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Rys Lih
now got online shopping... Parkinson sales no good
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trust me, most money will not flow into parkson, "wow, my salary increase, im gonna go parkson shopping" said nobody ever
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Good data coming out of china retail sales :) Better-than-expected growth for China's third-quarter gross domestic product expanded by 4.6% year on year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Even though that's higher than the 4.5% in a Reuters poll, it trails the second-quarter's growth of 4.7%. On a quarterly basis, China's economy grew by 0.9% in the third quarter.

Chinese and U.S. retail sales going strong: China's retail sales for September grew 3.2% from a year ago, said the National Bureau of Statistics. That's better than the 2.5% estimate in an LSEG poll and August's figure of 2.1%. Across the Pacific Ocean, retail sales in the U.S. rose a seasonally adjusted 0.4% for September. It's higher than both the 0.1% gain in August and the 0.3% Dow Jones forecast.
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China's domestic consumption kept increasing in September, with faster rise in the sales of auto and home appliance, highlighting the nation's significant potential for sustaining economic growth amid a slew of policy supports. In September, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 4.1112 trillion yuan ($577.45 billion), increased by 3.2 percent year-on-year, 1.1 percentage points faster than the previous month, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Friday.

Sheng Laiyun, deputy head of the NBS, said during a press conference on Friday that series of policy supports launched in the first three quarters have taken significant effect, including releasing domestic demand potential and relevant industrial potential.

Sheng stated that domestic retail sales of automobile grew by 0.4 percent, reversing a negative trend after several consecutive months of decline, including a 7.3 percent drop in August. Retail sales of household appliances surged by 20.5 percent in September, a significant acceleration of 17.1 percentage points compared to August.
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festive seasons and back to school sales should be strong with the budget presented.
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Rys Lih
up br1m salary ..will boost sales
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