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Everyone please continue to buy, the price is going to skyrocket soon
Thank to the sharks who threw tickets recently and so sorry to retail investors who could not hold their tickets tightly.
Hoseh liao ...
USD is gradually recovering and resin price is increasing soon.
Good for Thong Guan
Please be patient with the Myanmar's operation. According to the top management, just a bit delay and I believe Myanmar government (be it a democratic leader or military power), they also would not want to kill their economy.
Future estimated revenue generated from plant in Myanmar = RM150 million
Believe in Thong Guan, this is the point to collect more.
Focus on the long term plan for Thong Guan's plan in Sungai Petani of 16 acre Plant which will be able to generate 1.0 billion revenue.
As per Mr. Ang See Ming, the plant will be ready in full operation by year 2026.
Buy Call. You will regret if you sell Thong Guan share because of temporary fluctuation in price.
The reason why I said RESIN price increase is Good For Thong Guan
Because Thong Guan has its special way to control the cost.
The increasing price of Resin will help to eliminate Weak Industry Player.
It is good to turn Threats Into Thong Guan's weapon to defeat its competitors
Please buy now before it is too late. I was with KPMG many years ago (around 9 years ago) and was exposed to Thong Guan Business Operations. So I trust Ang's families and their capabilities. Please buy before Sharks are buying. This is 100% a good counter. Hidden Gem and Diamond. Remember, Share Price is an indicator of future growth and development of Thong Guan
Alvan, Good Luck and Good Job; Cheong, please continue to buy before it is too late. Later or this weekend, I am going to disclose more on the special technology adopted by Thong Guan as compared to its peer. Then you people will understand why I am so so confident
I will continue to write on why Thong Guan is special if compared to its peers (those who do the same activities).
I will continue to write about the good and stronger point either later this afternoon or during this weekend.
Hopefully everyone will be more confident and will not easily be emotionally influenced to sell his or her shares at lower price due to the recent fluctuation in share price
Please continue to BUY and HOLD
FYI, the bosses have already taken more and more action already.
It is time to rebound in view of Thong Guan's share plummeted from RM3++ to RM2.00
If you sell, you will regret later. If you continue buying for maybe a Long Term or Mid Term, you will be rewarded with very good return later.
good luck everyone. I have already sent out invitation to all my fellow comrades and heroes to go for the buying spree and hopefully by end of this month, RM2.50 at least can be achieved.
If RM3.00 by end of this month, I promise will come out with Financial Planning and Analysis PLUS Doing Market Position Analysis using PESTEL and Different Model
It is a disappointing fact that there were many speculators who short sold their shares this morning and caused significant decrease of share price from RM2.08 to RM2.05 which defeats our common goal of fighting and pushing the price to RM2.10 by end of today.
I assure that they will regret for their actions. I will not disclose further now. But I could say, there are many syndicates start collecting already.
Please continue to hold and keep buying if you could.
The purpose why I keep on posting information about Thong Guan because (1) I have witnessed the Group's growth from its humble start up till now; (2) I was the auditors of Thong Guan many years back and understand the operation and Group's strategy well; and (3) my main purpose is because I would like to raise awareness to retail investors so that they won't be panic selling and to help retail investors from falling into victim of Syndicates. 我会一直写更多正面的讯息是有三个原因;(1)我见证通源的成长很多年了;(2)我曾是通源的审计师,对他们的业务有一定的了解;(3)最关键是我的宗旨是要更多新的投资散户更加了解价值投资,通源是五星级钻石,不要被暂时的价格波动影响他们,不被割韭菜!Of course, I am also an Investor and my average cost is below RM2.00. You could follow me in BIMB and BIMB WA where I also helped to raise awareness among all retail investors!
Good day to everyone here. It is happy to have seen many value fundamental investors here.
10 March 2021 - RM1.95 rose to RM1.97
11 March 2021 - RM1.97 rode to RM2.00
12 March 2021 - RM2.00 rose to RM2.06
15 March 2021 - If could rise to RM2.15
If tomorrow Tguan Share Price close at RM2.15, I will disclose more good information where research has been done thoroughly.
Let us share and create wealth together.
To BUY and HOLD; Do not SELL. SYNDICATES are waiting to collect cheaper stocks. make sure you know this counter. Below RM2.50 is considered super CHEAP because you need to incorporate a forward looking approach when comes to share investment.
Take note on the potential wealth and economic inflows for Thong Guan from SP's plan which has been estimated to create 1.0 billion revenue.
The following information is from "auditor consultant". I help him to post as he said he has been banned by KLSE screener as he is telling the truth and too much information. Is my hint reliable? I keep on asking everyone to buy and keep. Do not sell.
10 March 2021 - RM1.95 rose to RM1.97
11 March 2021 - RM1.97 rode to RM2.00
12 March 2021 - RM2.00 rose to RM2.06
15 March 2021 - RM2.06 rose to RM2.13
16 March 2021 - Target to reach RM2.20********
Thank for for your technical analysis. I am more towards fundamental analysis.
Thong Guan has a good fundamental and if we took forward looking approach by taking into consideration the following matters, the current price of below RM2.50 is considered very low:-
(1) Resumption of plant in Myanmar (Ang See Ming did not say it is not viable in his last zoom meeting with some parties). Using logical thinking, be it a democratic leader or military leader, no one wants to build a country at the expense of its deteriorating economy. As such, the plant in Myanmar will eventually be continued just the progress will be slightly slow and delayed. Projected revenue of RM150 million per annum should be factored in when deriving current share price.
(2) Projected revenue of RM1 billion per annum to be derived from Sungai Petani 16 acre plant which is estimated to be operated in full capacity by year 2026. Again, the share price need to incorporate this growth factor. Remember, price now is the leading indicator of future growth and development. Every cents counts for people's confidence in the business
(3) Thong Guan has invested heavily in technology and is one of the least player that has its own laboratory that is doing research and development. Thong Guan collaborate with Newton. Newton has joined forces with Thong Guan to launch the ENGAGE program. This special collaboration intends to utilize the best of what Newton, as well as Thong Guan, has to offer to help optimize clients’ stretch film applications, thereby reducing waste and increasing profits. As such, the increase in Resin Price does not bring significant impact to Thong Guan. Indeed, Thong Guan had successfully transformed the threat of increasing raw material cost into its opportunity to defeat weak players in the market.
The above points are basically some strong points about Thong Guan and I do not see why Thong Guan Price should be valued at below RM3.00.
In conclusion, please exercise your own judgment about the potential profitability and development in Thong Guan. To me, today the price will definitely break or at least reach RM2.20.
Buy and Hold is always my call. You may sell but my fellow comrades will be collecting happily.
Today price closed at RM2.14 which is very satisfying despite the share faced pressure at selling side significantly. We could equally see that the buying force is huge enough to push the price up. The reason is very simple. Syndicates start to collect and buy. Some retail investors who follow all my information here have started to purchase and collect Thong Guan Shares.
Please continue to buy and hold. If you feel that share price of below RM2.20 is expensive, you will change your mindset after March 2021.
So sorry to tell those advocates of Technical Analysis. To me the trend or TA is really meaningless and useless. 希望大家别在被所谓的技术面,和图给蒙骗了。这些都是资本家弄出来的幌子。就是骗无知的投资家。还有那些只以为是的散户,以为说看技术面,什么图啊。图再美,大鳄不依路线出牌,那些什么所谓的技术面投资家只能静静住高楼或装逼。 At this price and with solid fundamental of Thong Guan, I really could not find any reason why we should not buy more and hold. Do not let Syndicates monopolise this game. We compete with Syndicates to share the earning cake.
Buy and Hold before April 2021, failure which you will be regretful of missing this bullet train.
记得,别再靠什么技术面了,别继续当资本主义底下的现代奴隶Modern Slave。
告诉你们市场的黑暗吧,所谓的图或技术面都是大鳄,庄家和公司大老板说好的操控市场价格的手法,他们说好了的。如果不肯根据你们所谓的技术面和图或趋势,那么技术面会带你们去荷兰。这些都是很多人不知道市场投资黑暗的一面。什么无形的手,Laissez Faire 都是资本家想出来的幌子。记得别做资本家的牺牲品了。大家一起跟随巴菲德和查理芒格吧。价值投资路线才是王道。
Kim Long Wong, please act fast before it is too late. I receive a lot of information and I tell you please buy at this price and keep for mid term. You will not regret at all
你还是小心驶得万年船。买入点看技术面,太投机了。我们价值投资者,是看 (1)基本面 (2)买入价格,我们是以内在价值和Price for Margin of Safety 来做衡量标准。 我对大鳄的行事方式非常了解,因为我跟大鳄工作过,告诉我图和技术面真的是幌子,大鳄不买单,不根趋势,散户就完蛋。我只是把我懂得分享给你们知道,希望你不介意。
今天会超越RM2.20。我等着Banker Chips. 如果没有banker chips, 价格在RM2.50 - RM3.00 不会是问题。如果有banker chips, price will fly to RM3.00 and above by mid of April 2021.我有交代我的盟友们,别记着卖,要卖也会分几批,不然市场有很大动荡。到目前为此,我还是交代我的师兄弟们,打着只买不卖的号召。虽然还是有一些人贪小便宜,那么快套利,我只能说他们不懂得通源。这个公司我看着长大的,绝对不会看错。下个季的成绩一定会更好。要加码或拉低成本价格的人,快动手了。说我仙家林的人,现在肯定因为之前不信任我,而错过的了。还是一样的口号,只买不 卖,我们群加上我的新加坡同行的群人数多,可以慢慢收集,围堵人家或大鳄抛售。我的新加坡的叔叔非常有钱,上个礼拜就是他们尝试一直扶盘。大家加油。 只买不卖。不到RM3.50坚持心不动。