Alex's comment on ERDASAN. All Comments

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This is true story from Atian group, a victim bought At at 0.2 with 5million lot and now lost almost half of it. Atian group should be deleted and report to SC
I just want to share the investor, mr. Edward saying.
He is very much annoyed as both his messages once sent were recalled by The Admin and banned him from the group. The group is created for members to discuss the opinions and view and shall not remove a person from his view of negative. Actually what he shared were his views and based on his survey from various information.
He and family members together with his friends are holding about 5 million lots AT counter at averag: ing price of 20 sen and above.
He was fully confidence on this counter when it has factory and believed the price will be going upwards. After many months he didn't see any improvement and with the survey from his DATO and TAN SRI 's friends told him to dispose off quickly as AT group and its associated are syndicate playing on same patterns and manners by pushing price high than slowly pushing down the price, his friends quoted example of ANZO,XOX, AGES Samichi ,etc.
His family members and friends are blaming him for bringing them to an unfortunate counter.
He is facing high pressure and stress.
He has in the share market for more than 2 decades and his friends are many listed companies owners and was given to know a counter price wants to push up or not is all depends on the owners. Of course with market sentiment is also related but when the market is bullish it can pushing up easily.
You banned him from the club makes him more desperate.
Shall be grateful the admin pull him back to the group as fair to him.
The above is the story he share to me.
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Albert Ling
Please don’t buy / invest All shares related to Fintec’s and I believe all of you should have the list of their company. Stay away from them and let them play them self. They are now goreng Itronic. Beware!
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
Jordan Eng
Not true story. Proofs were shown that he wasnt ban and merely removed. Also, the fact that he was pm and no reply.
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Mie Zar
wah.. glove follower also got many factions and groups.. like a religious cult.
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Christopher Toh
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If Edward has 2 decades of shares trading, he should know to buy on fundamentals. He took a bet and should bear the consequence.
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Nate Mercer
If what you and Mr edward said are true, kindly shows us all the proof with black and white.

As an investor one must always do their own due deligence before feeling confident enough to invest in a business for mid/long term period. Also, if Mr edward has in market share for 2 decade and heavily invest 5 million lot in this company, then I assume that he is confident enough and had do his DD before investing such huge lump sum on it, and to accept the level of risk in this business.
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Nate Mercer
Joining ATian group or whatever discussion group are ok, as long as one discuss or express opinion with true facts and data to support. Failing to do so will always be red flagged them as false news / rumours spreading. Groups that regulate chats are banning for those people who are failing to comply their code of conduct as per each has stated clearly.

If there is any misunderstanding do directly contact the PIC and not come to random place to seek attention.
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Bear bear
just gotta Mr Edward is dumb thats all ....this is share market ....wat you expect ....earn quick bucks without risk ....rofl
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if you decide to invest in share market, one things that everybody know is ALL RISK IS FROM OURSELF. so why not just buy at very low price? everytime be4 we investing in share, must did some homework, not just oni believe that the higest price may raise up more and more. Wish you n your friend good luck.
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revenue abundance.sdn.bhd
sorry just curious, 5m lots or 5m units share? if 5m lots, is equivalent to 500m units share
1 Like · 4 years · translate
Finally they out. And must have many proof
Like · 4 years · translate
Then you guys shouldn’t appear in KLSe screener because here everything is without proof
Like · 4 years · translate
Eg. Eyes cold Confirm Mr Lim kong they all everyday upupup without proof
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Call Me股神
Last time 0.22 I already told this is rubbish counter.. And then those supporters F me nice nice... Now I feel very happy to see this counter going down... 0.05 is coming soon...
3 Like · 4 years · translate