Kelvin Tan's comment on CYPARK. All Comments

Kelvin Tan
6 Like · Reply
RM15 if its trading at same PE as Solarvest.

1) this company has higher revenue, higher profits and profit margin than Solarvest

2) Expected growth from 47MW to 200MW

3) invest in a green future.

all i ask of from all shareholders here is simple. be a good shareholder. be an investor. you are investing in a company because you are happy to trust the company in managing your money for you, and to grow together with the company.

i bought at 80c and 1.35. expect 3.
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Bruce Lee
My cost is about 0.97 after average down. Because i believe dis company will prove itself in one day from its higher den solarvest and samaiden's revenue, profits, and better network in gov. My TP is at least 3.0, happy investment.
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cw yeo
they should learn like those company giving bonus or split units, then grow faster by percentage
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Zen Cheong
this counter has good prospect. I bought some yesterday pullback!
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Kelvin Tan
giving too much bonus shares is not good for long term. it increases the share base, thus more speculators pulling the price down. everything is about supply demand
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Bruce Lee
Give bonus issue to me is not a good sign, because the management dun even want to share the retained earning as a special dividend or increase dividend payout to shareholders. Rather push up the share price or give better dividend.
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Kelvin Tan
dividend is for matured companies. as this is still growing, it needs a lot ofoney for capex investment. dont be surprise if it goes for more rights issue
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cw yeo
should learn like TASCO, pushed up then announce split, then go up further
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