志鸿's comment on D&O. All Comments

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有主题 ,有趋势 ,demand也会越来越多 ,连Apple也宣布要做电动汽车 ... 不信你不破Rm3.000
陈强强:又新开假户口来comment啊?哈哈,我劝你还是不用大费周章来演猴子戏了 你怎样吓散户, 都没效果...
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Steve Foo
those clowns everyday same circus show, sien edi
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Donald T
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Don Don Sin
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Ancent Wong
期待强强说的2.75,我要all in !!!!
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Gugu Tai
Ancent just wait for BI 2 for 1 then u may get 2.75. If not 2.75 is HISTORICAL HAHAHAHAHA
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Ck Wong
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跌的时候那堆人就一定会出来酸 ..起的时候又躲进洞里,呵呵 ,猴子戏 ...我两块多hold到现在 都不懂看了他们被打脸几次 ..
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Vincent Chin
Strongly rebound, bombastic QR release sooner?
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Haha Haha
the qr not so good due to higher cost of sales
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Haha: 慢慢追高吧你 哈哈哈
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god lucky
那些猴子每次跌了 就出来卖弄聪明 都不知道删了几次账号,还是那么坚持,要是他们的这份坚持用在工作搞不好已经是有钱人了,何必那么仇富呢?哈哈
3 Like · 3 years · translate
没办法, 有些人脑进水...输钱输傻了
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Haha Haha
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Haha Haha
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Haha:股票起起跌跌很正常,可悲的是 ,你眼中只有股价....
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Haha Haha
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Green LT
Haha haha-我今天看到强强,所以做个小股东。再看到你在这里,我就放心了,对自己的投资有信心。
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Haha Haha
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Green LT
强势站上SMA=10, 明天看漲SMA=20 4.50, HOLD. 谢谢强强,赚了2个月的工资。
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Jacky Ang
@green D&O 我持过到5所以接下来再涨是可以的
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Green LT
WTx.....so low dividend. Sell tomorrow.
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Kevin Kai
Rm5 this week
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Haha Haha
paid 4350 to own 10 lots and dno only pay 7.5 dividend..hahahaha..u all go study math la..loser who bought today sure regret...
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Vincent Chin
What? You buy this stock because of dividend? Better you fast sell and switch to top glove.
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jack jack
supermx dividend also better...u go glove sector pls
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Abe T
lol, dividend counter go buy genm ler.. quite cheap now leh. I'd rather they grow rather than give dividend.. although the news is out, let's see how it goes tomorrow
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Haha Haha
loser will buy dno
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Haha Haha
u all continue to lose all ur money to this counter...hahahahaha..congratulations
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just ignore this Haha , he 眼红 until sot aldy XD
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Tan Su Ye
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Gugu Tai
Every real investors should ignore the stupid guy who know nuts in stock market. D&O is for value investment rather than soeculatiin n goreng. I started investing ln D&O n CA in january wheb it was rm2.40 n 15c respectively. I have already earned few hundred k. N will hold D&O for years to come. My TP is...,,,,is beyond your imagination CHEERS
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Gugu: As long as the company is keep growing ,no point to sell it ....EV trend could run for many many many years ...now it's just the beginning...we foresee the future
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Gugu Tai
Tze Hong i totally agree with u. By next week when 1st qr 2021 is out n by last week of August when 2nd qr is out N by december when 3rd qr result is out PLUS if there is a BI annoucenent, wow u may set any TP. Any TP is possible. CHEERS
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cheers Gugu , last time people keep saying PE is very high aldy la this and that , i will just ignore it ...using PE to calculate the value of tech stocks are likely inaccurate...we need to be more like valuing an art work instead...but sadly , most of the people too focus on calculations and because of that they lose their logical sense
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Alvis Goh
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god lucky
糟糕了了 今年不是8块了 是准备10多块了
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Haha Haha
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Haha Haha
明天大户肯定丢票。你们的心脏要够强。哈哈哈。dividend 真失望。
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god lucky
跪求丢啊 我准备买进了
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Haha Haha
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Haha:要套话啊 ? 哈哈 ,跟你讲话有损我智商 ,你的问题好奇怪
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Haha Haha
这样你跟那haha haha有什么分别?哈哈哈。套散户买你们的贵票。
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Haha Haha
@god lucky 怎样?有加码吗?哈哈哈哈。。@鸿哥,怎样?卖完了吗?
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Chia Cyril
Haha haha 你的5G有飞吗
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god lucky
加码 肯定加!给你从2块讲到4块了 还不加?
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Haha Haha
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Haha:很吵诶你 ,跌了一点就出来ahziahjo ..哈哈 XD
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Haha Haha
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还 5G 不是吧!大马全 5G 等不知哪个猴年马月吧!
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Green LT
Government to decide on 21/5 whether revert to MCO 1. Market panic selling now.
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god lucky
开什么玩笑5g! 连3个都不懂盖满马来西亚了吗?4g都时常没线 5g几时来?
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Chia Cyril
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Green LT
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Haha Haha
哈哈哈哈。这个庄继续割韭菜。这条@green看什么ta 买卖股票真的很天真。什么现金流入流出一大堆屁话。看到我都想笑。哈哈哈哈。
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Chia Cyril
Haha haha 你的klse扶到怎么样
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Green LT
Haha haha-强强你买股票不看ta,不看smart money(不是现金流),每天出现在这里给大家鸟,我真的看不出你的思路。可恨之人,必有可怜之处。为何你要成为可怜之人呢? 可怜之人通常都是可悲下场的。
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D&O heng ong huat ah ~~~
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挑战6块的时候! 加油 !
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Tan Su Ye
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tan : 说得好 ,D&O是高成长的公司 ...hold着10年都没问题 ....挑战的是自己能不能抵挡着盈利的诱惑
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Tan Su Ye
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god lucky
led的内饰 大灯 相信未来几年都是最热潮的趋势
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Tan Su Ye
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除非D&O能够每个季度赚100million以上才有资格进KLCI index ...嗯 ,我相信未来D&O有机会进的
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Tan:如果和其他科技股对比的话 ,Inari应该会先进KLCI
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Tan Su Ye
Inari 盈利最高,最有机会。d&o就与Greatec, Vitrox, uwc 比赛吧。盈利水平比较接近。
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Rick So
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Don Don Sin
恭喜志鸿 恭喜股东们 恭喜我自己
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谢谢Don姐 ,恭喜你 ,也恭喜大家赚钱!
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Tan Su Ye
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Rm6.00 gogogo ~
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Fisher aka 小白
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QR真漂亮 ...出乎我预料...
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D&O Q2 Report :
Dominant’s ability to supply in the current quarter was constrained by tighter Movement Control Order measures from 1 June 2021.

Commentary on Prospects:
Dominant’s customer order book continues to be healthy. Under the MITI PIKAS program, all employees have been fully vaccinated by 24 August 2021. We believed this will help to reduce the number of Covid-19 spike incidents and minimise any further plant shutdown in the future. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, management expects earnings to improve in the second half of 2021.

QOQ : + 1.1 %
YOY : + 3805%
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god lucky
稳稳上6块!看来今年的爆发期会和去年一样 在Q4爆发
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Godlucky:一向来下半年的业绩都是属于他们的高峰期,这个季度其实是受了6月份Mco的影响 ,不然的话营业额和盈利已经是创历史新高了,能够交出这个成绩已经是非常不错了...
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god lucky
一起hold 到明年 Q4 出!加油
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Don Don Sin
坦白说 业绩那么好 ,股价这个价位 我有点接受不到咯!庄稼压票吧!好吧 就斗耐心了!
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Afiffuddin Abdul Aziz
Continue to hold and buy more when red. Why scared?
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Don Don Sin
No scared lah! This counter is DNO ! Not the cheap blak counter. Sure will fly ……
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Sell on news?
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fan chaowang
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Preventive shut down of factory to curb the spread of Covid-19 virus:
Under the Directive of Malaysian Ministry of Health (“MoH”), Dominant’s factory was shut from 8 July 2021
to 18 July 2021 and 9 August 2021 to 23 August 2021 to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus,
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tats y Q3 也是会被关厂的关系影响 ,现在的下跌是暂时性的 , 大家千万别慌 ...工厂如果在照常运作之下 ,是可以持续成长的....
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杨 :其实是大部分投资者知道未来的 Q3 会被关厂影响,股价才会没表现得那么好...因为股价都是跑着未来的价钱,并不是业绩很好而下跌的 ...可能到时候Q3 比较不好的业绩出来时 ,股价大涨是因为跑着Q4,你就会认为Q3烂的业绩 ,怎么股价大起...这个只是一个example ,投资有很多盲点 ...其实是可以被理解的
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既然我们知道这不是公司本身出现基本面的问题 ,而是covid19 害到关厂影响业绩 ,为何不敢在他下跌到一个蛮理想的价位趁低吸纳呢 ,这就要考验那位投资者的眼光和耐心了 ...没有任何买卖建议 ,纯属分享个人看法
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Andy Hon Keong
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对啊 ,这次的回调 ,很可能就是在跑着Q3被关厂影响的业绩...
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Soleh:Qr report 里面有提到被关厂
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Soleh:Preventive shut down of factory to curb the spread of Covid-19 virus:
Under the Directive of Malaysian Ministry of Health (“MoH”), Dominant’s factory was shut from 8 July 2021
to 18 July 2021 and 9 August 2021 to 23 August 2021 to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus,
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fan chaowang
志鸿- soleh is glove supporter and tech haters. No need to explain too much with him.. hahahah.. no offense but there’s some reason glove supporter always kena diao. BecUse they always like to talk bad about others stock
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jack jack
u can see soleh go where also got people tease him on his gloves holding.... can ignore him
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Don Don Sin
你们好坏哦 可能soleh 已经是股东呢……
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哈哈 ,他 comment不见了
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Vincent Chin
业绩美美也给我加码买到便宜票, u-turn收青就美美哒!
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马后炮? Loll … 开玩笑 ..
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