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Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ?NoTypes of corporate proposalConversion of Preference SharesDetails of corporate proposalConversion of Irredeemable Convertible Preference SharesNo. of shares issued under this corporate proposal3,488,630Issue price per share ($$)Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.5500Par Value($$) (if applicable)
That is preference share... Got no maturity but can convert to ordinary share at any time at much cheaper price. Only selected people are allow to hold a Preference share
Any news from brahims, top standard or oversea can help to push up the price.. I think brahims will make a come back since airline stocks are making a recovery. Focus and brahims will be the new face for airline catering.
read the announcement.. Focus is collaborating with brahims to strengthen their f&b business. In what way I dunno. But from what we know, brahims is famous for airline catering, so there is a possibility