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The True Value of Kanger Comparing to Bintai (350mil shares) Solution (327mil shares)HWGB (526mil Shares)
When taking into consideration of Volume/liquidity of Kanger (2.2billion Stock) . Reduced to average of 350mil Shares.
Kanger would have a Value of around x6 . Therefore $0.17 x 6fold is already TP $1.02
When Kanger Hit $0.19 / comparing its true value against other Vaccine stock ( $0.19 x 6 = RM 1.14 )
Therefore Kanger is Valued very High Already. Dont confuse why Kanger = Max.
Is true, now ppl buy stock like gambling and play on theme. If shark really want to goreng, ntg is impossible but ppl really need to know why it is so hard to up kanger.
A better Market Cap over 500million is HWGB. currently cheap stock because got 1 China man Investor Dump. HWGB should be at 1.2 to 1.3 now. 4th stage Clinical trial is bound to end soon and get FDA approval.