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Niklas Ng's comment on KOSSAN. All Comments

Niklas Ng
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based on industry pe average of roughly 80-90
And projected revenue growth from gloves of roughly 20-30% in the next two years and a year on year growth of 10% after that, this share is significantly undervalued, my tp roughly 13-16 in about 3-12 months, this stock should be safe for a minimum of 2 years due to consistent demand of this gloves due to sop and covid-19 in other countries
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Niklas Ng
this is not a buy advice,just my personal opinion on it after doing a discounted cash flow valuation and based on the global covid 19 outlook and s.o.p in malaysia
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Megat Muazam
agreed..my personal tp is at rm16..but if big bro going to rm25 as cimb said,i will hold kossan to reach rm18...
1 Like · 4 years · translate
Alwyn Fong
Counters that are many people are very dangerous. I still prefer stocks like this. Low volume. Slow and steady
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Ronald Tee
Agree, but can buy all top 4 share, then no need to worry which up or down
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