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what do they mean actively getting out of pn17! my foot! so many years, yet cannot submit a proposal to exit! don't talk rubbish! such useless bunch of management and ceo!!!
EXIM Bank wake up!!! You are wholly owned by the Government of Malaysia. It is a subsidiary of the Ministry of Finance. This is rakyat's money so please do something!!!
Sad but true.. last two weeks me & my friends already sold all remaining tickets that we have at 4.5sen.. we decided to cut losses before it getting too late..
when are they submitting the pn17 exit plan proposal! this company just buying time with shareholders money! no sense of urgency and protecting share holders interest.. looks like they are selling everything and pocket everything before delisting outcome !
It is time to wind up this company. Divide 78 million among shareholders, each will get 7.8 sens. Give the assets to banks. Shareholders will be better off that way.
Thank you. As a long term shareholders, I tell you that this counter only brought me pain. In my opinion insiders use their knowledge to front run minority investors. We are their prey.