All Comments on GTRONIC Reload

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Rys Lih
this counter still can another round?
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bppoh75 poh
u mean another round of big drop?
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Mark Siow
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从目前的情况来看,Gtronic的前景并不乐观,特别是基于以下几个关键因素:1. 管理层的挑战:Heng Charng Yee作为新的CEO,缺乏她父亲的股权支持,同时也面临市场对她经验和领导能力的质疑。在大股东分散的情况下,她的决策权可能受到限制,而董事会内部的合作或分歧可能进一步影响公司的发展方向。2. 股东结构的复杂性:大股东EPF和Lembaga Tabung Haji减持后,股权更加分散,APB和Ooi成为主要股东,但他们也不是绝对控股者。股东之间缺乏强有力的领导和协调,可能导致公司治理效率低下,尤其是在重大决策或战略方向上难以快速达成一致。3. 行业环境和竞争压力:半导体行业具有周期性波动,Gtronic目前处于行业低谷,且面临来自国内外竞争者的巨大压力。如果公司无法在技术、产品创新或市场开拓上取得突破,未来的竞争力将进一步削弱。4. 财务表现与派息前景:尽管Gtronic曾被视为“现金牛”,但近年来其业绩下滑,现金流和利润也有所减少。派息政策可能难以维持过去的水平,这会影响那些长期依赖公司股息收益的投资者的信心。5. 潜在的治理风险:大股东APB和其他股东之间的关系不明确
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Kwong Mingkwei
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Clement Teh
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EPF, Tabung Haji exit Globetronics
next week
going ugly.
Chung Tzehau
they always go in and out doesn't matter
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Mohamad Dasuki
yes, it is normal buy sell buy sell the company share.. but when a very long major shareholder sell until they out of major shareholder list, there are something dangerious will be happen
Like · 19 hours · translate
farah Abdullah
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next week Tuesday it will start to rebound but slowly to Friday. Then other week go to 1.15 and side way.
Pmp Nails
Very hard to say . Bursa everything is posibble
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Spooder Man
buy little bit....hope can earn some pocket money
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Koh Kw
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The up season for technology shares is dimmable until year end ?
Rys Lih
so fast tauke want closed shop liao?
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Suhaimi Kassim
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nazr zach
Aduhh.. Melayu..
bila technical indicators show SELL. they sell la..
Tak ada Analysts cover GTronic lg.. So, tak ada org bg Consensus Rating..
Jgn dgr puak2 sini... Diorg kebanyakan x pergi sekolah.. Mandi pun x..
But that doesnt mean they sold everything. They just no longer be a substantial shareholder in GTronic. This happens all the time.
Eg ECONBHD. Loss making company, tau. Many quarters already before Covid19 lg. Last year around November, they sold heavily until they no longer become a substantial shareholder, below 6%. BUT in March this year, they started buying and selling again. LTH ikut sedap dia je bila nak beli. Diorg jenis tgk cuaca bila nak beli. Ada byk lg shareholders below 6% eg. Public Mutual, Permodalan Nasional, KWAP, Keng Thye Ooi, Chew Giap Cheng dan yg lain2 below 1% mcm Amanah Saham Nasional, Bank Perancis pun ada (Societe General), Maybank Asset pelbagai..
This is my advice. Print a copy of two year Annual Report and this year quarterly reports (there are two of them). Upah budak universiti bagus nyer, suruh diorg buat research..
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2 Like · 2 days · translate
G ng
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lau andy kok chong
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My PC Sdn Bhd My PC
below NTA 時才撈低,風險管理
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Company's cash fund is empty. Hope recovery is 2 or 3 years if possible
Pmp Nails
Got fund a why say no fund
Like · 3 days · translate
It's already gone, read the latest QR report for cashflow
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atlan leong
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gtronic net cash company. no worry.
balala KK
Paper cash. Bank No cash
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Tay Ying Chau
for X3sphere ,serbak dinamik(SD) case Vs grtonic is totally different... SD is using private placement yo give dividend.. and created fake sale volume.( study the balance sheet SD).

for balalakk. technology have life recycle time , not like last time using 3G or 4 G era.. now is 5G ,or 6G and AI era, you have to follow technology chances in order to survive. this all need money to invest in technology. specially AI.. burn money.. EPF & TH will not take this risk .
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