All Comments on BIMB-WA Reload

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Michael Go Woei Hour
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When can receive Buyback payment?
Anyone received the buy back money in acc?
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YangMing Kan
Yes, I received at last Friday. If you use Rakuten will need to wait few day
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Wee Keong Chua
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Price 0.380
5 Like · Reply
Good to buy...sure will all in..
YangMing Kan
Yes, I have participate the CCM of BIMB at 31 March.
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pidot shukri
omg. should sell GTD 380 huhu
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Auditor Consultant
2 Like · Reply
For those who has read the notice seriously, I should give you many likes because you are the only one out of all who is same with us. You read the notice. People like b c lim only barks non stop without reading and understanding the SOA. I will spoon feed people here with the direct message.

For your information,

Turn to page 85 (assuming you open in PDF softcopy), please refer to main key words in the notice

"'....("CCM"), for the purpose of considering and if though fit, passing with or without any modification, a proposed scheme of arrangement between BHB and its warrantholders ("Warrantholders") pursuant to Section 366 of the Companies Act, 2016 ("Act")....."

Turn to page 86, please refer to main key words in the paragraph b

"...(b) assent to any condition, modification, variation and/or amendment as may be give full effect to and complete the Proposed Scheme of Arrangement."

There are a lot of people keep on encouraging investors to only vote for the special resolution. They have hidden and personal agenda.

Let me tell you why. They want to collect more. They will create an impression to you people that there is no room for modification or discussion and the price is fixed at RM0.38. In actual case, this is not the way SOA and CCM are going to be conducted.

Please refer to the notice of CCM and also refer to other articles about SOA Section 336 which you could also find from other sources such as checking from website of Tommy Thomas.

The above are genuine information and unlike what b c lim always barks and barks saying that once vote against, no U turn. He did not study the Notice and Only bark with NO SUBSTANCE.

Hold and wait for negotiation for modification. Thay why the CCM need the SOA need to be sanctioned by the Court. It is not as simple as what others told you. Please read.

Hold or Sell, it is your discretion. I only want to help people to maximise their profits.
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Auditor Consultant
You need to check with Rakuten Trade. Because they have cut off date of around 10 days. I am not sure if now, you still could register. You may try to call them
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sun007y tee
Auditor consultant, ccm have result already? Any advise?
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Auditor Consultant
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Needless to debate over here. I can assure you that before the ccm or on the day itself, if there is no revision at all for the final redemption price, you people will witness how many will vote against the special resolution. Let's see. No need to debate non stop here. 31/3 will be the date where you people will see how cooperative and powerful the minority forces are in negotiating the final redemption consideration. Everyone is welcome to vote for or vote against or give up. There is nothing to stop you people, because ultimately there is sufficient stakes to decide the result of the game. I eat popcorn and see the shows on that day. But do not worry, the result will be very positive. I will cease my note over here and I believe after this more and more people will continue the accusations and defame me. I don't mind watching free shows everyday over here.

Remember, you decide your own vote. Our group will decide our selves and let's see who control the result of the game. We have been planning for this game since early of year 2020. For sure, maximisation of return is the goal of my group.

Bye bye.
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b c lim
didn't you say you were tired to help people like Jesus but some people not appreciate, 2days ago was your last last I think you have forgotten your this is final comment had been repeated many times).but suddenly come out to bark again..
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b c lim
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Berry Lau
贪字得个贫,这些人还自得其乐,0.26 时不吵,0.38 吵太少了,好可爱的人类,呵呵
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b c lim
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Ong Leong Huat
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Hi everyone. Let me tell you some background about what is happening here. Basically, you need at least 25% votes or 105 million warrants to vote against resolution for the resolution to fail. This 105 million is way too big for any small retailers or even a group of retailers to have. What is happening is BIMB-WA price has been going up and there is not much return left to get. At 36.5sen, the return is only 4%. How to get more return? It is by spreading rumour that resolution will fail then people will get scared and unload the warrants. I myself have 1.5million units queuing at 35.5sen and its quite hard to get but I won't stoop so low by spreading fear and getting people to unload. Auditor Consultant has been trying hard to do this but it hasn't worked so far. His first attempt was to say vote against because offer price too low and is worth much more. Second attempt became a bit more desperate by saying he and his group has 29% of the warrants - which is enough to block the resolution. This attempt also did not work to bring the BIMB-WA price down and today he has a new attempt - which is to produce an email supposedly by Mr Hamzah Johari who is Head of Business Banking in BIMB saying that BIMB will offer a higher price if the resolution fails. Here is what you need to know - there is no such thing as Auditor Consultant and his group having 29% stake. No need to promote everywhere to vote against if you really have 29%. The second thing I found out from a contact in i3investor is that Auditor Consultant, God_of_Wealth, Malaysian IB_HongKong and UlarSawa are all the same person in i3investor. 1 person - 4 different profiles. Posting comments everyday hoping to spread fear and then collecting at cheaper prices to earn more money. Today, Auditor Consultant made the biggest mistake of his life - by creating a fake email and impersonating Hamzah Johari. All the previous attempts were just inaccurate but nothing criminal. Unfortunately, the latest attempt of impersonation is a crime. I have been told BIMB has become aware of this and action will be taken soon since the impersonation is a criminal offence. Everyone just sit back and relax, vote for the resolution in the CCM and get your 38sen. If you are interested to know who this Auditor Consultant is, you will have a chance to find out when he is charged for impersonation.
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b c lim
in mid of July according to the circular
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Shah Ahmad
Alamak.. if like that better sell now la
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Auditor Consultant
1 Like · Reply
I will stop commenting anything from now. If not, later I will be defamed by some people saying me impersonating others. Just to let you people exercise your own judgment. For those who wish to get the snapshot that I captured from a person claimed to be Hamzah Johari with his comments and his profile from Linkedin, please send me your email. I do not want to comment further. Otherwise, I will be defamed. Please note that the snapshot is genuinely taken from KLSE Screener without any amendment. Just crop his message and his background from Linkedin. You may just investigate yourself by calling to BIMB. I do not want to comment further. Please exercise your judgment.
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b c lim
please refer to I3 investors BIMB-WA 's forum.this Auditor might get in some trouble due to give wrong information.eveyone must be careful of him.
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Auditor Consultant
give me your email. I will prove to you my information is genuinely taken from a person claimed to be an officer from this KLSE Screener... I will send you ...... that all...
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Kiasi Seong
2 Like · Reply
Actually, what happens if SOA does not go through in CCM ya? If we vote against and then Company did not proceed with the restructuring?

Since that capital requirement thing has been imposed since 2019, now 2021 dont think they are in a rush to restructure also like other banks who did it way before. BNM would have done something long ago if they don’t comply?

How likely are they to come back with a revised redemption premium or proposal?

If they decide to just wait until the warrants expire 2 more years? My warrants all go holland ah? Thinking if entry 0.35 might as well accept?
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b c lim
don't listen to those said management will up the offer price ,once the deal is off ,sure the warrant price will go holland.. no U Turn, don't play fire. warrant has life span,2 more years will expire.. currently is out of money
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Auditor Consultant
Kiasi Seong. Please do not worry and do not listen to those who are too KIASI. make sure Vote Against so that BIMB will revise the price
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Yong xuan Choo
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anyone for ur kindness can tell what is ccm?
Yong xuan Choo
ooh..tq,consider is a bad new?,shareholders all throw the shares
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Auditor Consultant
it is common because PNB , EPF can get at lower price later arising from internal reorganisation. just ignore the mother shares
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