All Comments on ANEKA-WA Reload

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kammalran munusamy
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soon this warrant will shoot up..13cent
kammalran munusamy
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hahaha .it won't go down 0.1,, this company has nice QR and recently had won contract
Nurul Azua
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come baby ..Go..go.go
Lim Kok Wing
go Holland, now or never?
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jayson K
0.01 plssssssss
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Jinho Teoh18
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Jinho Teoh18
23/24 号,出的票价位也没105,没有一个透明的价位,这就是马股。。。从底部炒到高价位,再左手去右手还是赚的,这是我们的猜测罢了。。。多多少少也有散户接票吧
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Lim Kok Wing
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Heng Heng
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kemonnn aneka-wa shoot smpai 0.1
kenny mah
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Jika nak beli, lebih Baik tunggu esok, setakat ini masih banyak seller.
zam caol
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ramai orang sakit jantung tak
Papa Nia
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premium negative, ramai dh convert ke?
haha lepas convert mother lagi rendah haha. there is no free lunch in bursa
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Papa Nia
hahaha GG
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Farid Chan
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