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is okay. I work in genting I can report to you all. they are closing few VIP room in casino, quite packed on sat and sun. the rest of the days customer traffic is low.
if u have extra cash can slowly buy. if not, better save ur cash to buy other more potential company. and remember rule number 1 :don’t lose money, and rule 2 : don’t forget rule number 1
sure can grow after covid settles. but u need to have extra cash if u wish to buy other better companies. second is u need to have long holding power and strong heart to look at it drop day by day
看到云顶继续派息,我不惜为他的股东们感到心酸。 我在之前的一贴有提到,它要守住股价,只能继续派息,它果真这样子做,不过真的冒冷汗。在这种艰难的时候还要烧老本派息,无疑公司没有人才和计划做一些不同的东西。其实如果它像迪士尼那样,买漫威做电影,做disney + and hulu, 我还会看得起这间公司。不过,看来除了害人不浅的赌业,和酒店和游乐园,它似乎已经没有招了。 咳,竟然还派高息?