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Be greedy when others are fearful , try to get panic tickets =) Cheers , I think this will be like Pekat. Potential multibagger , the only certified Explosive Solar PV system in Asean
My philosophy is to buy when the market is in panic mode. Swift Energy is set to benefit from Petronas and Wilmar 's capex , the production is running at 100% capacity .
Swift Energy is the only explosion proof (Ex) solar photovoltaic (PV) systems company in Asean, and one of only six globally.
According to Kenanga Research, the firm holds over 50% market share in the region's oil and gas industry.
Underlining its optimistic outlook for the company, Kenanga said it anticipated growth to come from Wilmar group's recovering investment in retrofitting plant and machinery, which has contributed 13%-24% to Swift Energy’s revenue since FY21.
“Our business is a bit unique, we are not so much serving crude oil (fossil fuel) business. We are more concentrated on greener energy which is natural gas,” Tan said.
“We are negotiating several new projects this month, particularly for our EX (explosive-proof) solar PV systems. Winning these contracts will significantly contribute to our growth,” he added.
Petronas is at the forefront of this transition, adopting RE in new fixed-structure platforms and committing RM2b annually to net-zero initiatives since 2022. Despite concerns over CAPEX reductions, investment in clean energy is expected to persist. In addition, the brownfield segment presents significant potential. Based on our estimates, the total potential market size for brownfield projects are valued at least RM868m across Malaysia and Thailand.
Proxy to Wilmar's expansion plan. SET's earnings are set to rise, supported by Wilmar's recovering investment in retrofitting plant & machinery, a segment that has contributed 13%-24% of SET's revenue since FY21. Wilmar's retrofitting capex historically follows three-year boom-and-bust cycle with last peak in 2020. At the cusp of a new 4-year capex cycle, we expect retrofitting capex to triple to RM300m despite a normalisation in total capex spending, which is conservative compared to the RM500m
The only Ex solar PV player in ASEAN. SET is one of only six Ex solar PV system providers globally and the sole player strategically positioned in ASEAN, holding over 50% market share in the region's O&G industry. Its competitive edge comes from: (i) establishing operations across multiple countries, allowing better access project bids, (ii) space-efficient panels offering higher power density in smaller area, and (iii) an integrated one-stop solution featuring monitoring & control system, diese
SET is set to benefit from foreign investments, Malaysia's National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR), and PTT Exploration & Production's (PTTEP TB, BUY, TP: THB168) net-zero targets, with plans to expand into Indonesia in 2025. With its NPM of 13% and expected higher exposure to clean energy,
Huh,panic?It is not call panic anymore, the volume is trend thinner and it is at downtrend.Even no big kaki want to goreng it, drop below Ipo price sooner.
“We are negotiating several new projects this month, particularly for our EX (explosive-proof) solar PV systems. Winning these contracts will significantly contribute to our growth
Look back its price chart, every times rebound is prepare for another drop lowest...No good catalyst for it to rebound higher+market poor sentiment now.
Dead cat rebound only prepare to drop lower, too many good fundamental stock also drop crazy out there. People want collect also not this stocks, too many choice....this only suitable for rebound trading, fifo
Follow own plan, risk assessment, bear own risk. No need follow too many sifu buy/sell call at platform or outside,nonsense...money is urs, only responsible to urself not other.
Asked people accumulate at 0.36, drop to 0.3, collect again. Drop pecah IPO price, it is good opportunity to get rich,extraordinary....unlimited bullet keep drop keep sapu...=) haha
Outside alot cheaper price shares even blue chip also lelong to salvage.....Smart money won't go for new IPO shares nowadays. New listed IPO limit down already biasa.