Hui Tat Tan's comment on INGENIEU. All Comments

Hui Tat Tan
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1. 出票吸钱:大额买单一出,表面是“买盘强劲”,实际是主力在“割韭菜”。散户们一头扎进去,主力却在高位悄悄跑路,真是“台上看热闹,台下割韭菜”!

2. 对倒行为:主力通过对倒(自己买卖自己的单)制造虚假买盘,吸引散户进场接盘,但其实目的是逐步出货。这样做会让买盘量大增,而股价不涨反跌。
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Hui Tat Tan
A common tactic many scam operations use is consolidation, such as reducing tickets from 30 to 1. For example, if you hold 30 tickets, they might automatically reduce them to just 1. From there, the price typically continues to drop until the operation closes. If you’re good at math, try calculating how much you would lose with a 30-to-1 reduction and a continuous price drop.
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