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recession can help too, Jiashen. I saw some news article in the US circulating recently of possible recession and sin stock tends to do well during recession. more than 1000 counters down today :) Looks like I will be able to get the 3.00 batch very soon.
The earliest update for HMTM could be in Apr, Jiashen. The UK marketing authorization approval by UK MHRA and thereafter, NICE to provide guidelines for the use of new medicines/treatments within NHS (for use in hospitals) upon approval by UK MHRA. You can click on the link below for the last update back in Dec'24 by NICE; pending UK MHRA if you will. Scroll down to the bottom of the page in the link. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/indevelopment/gid-ta11379
Ok, thanks Eddy. I thought it was just a plan / Taurx's intention to file for marketing authorization with FDA for US market but yet to do so. If they can't get approval from UK MHRA, it is unlikely they will get approval from FDA and EMA.
Higher cost/expenses can lead to lower ebitda, Vin. I am not sure whether did Genting put in actions to strengthens the AML policies (security/systems) before Dec'24 that could add on to the cost/expenses. Higher marketing expenses, a shift between gaming and non-gaming revenue can impact the margins though revenue numbers remain the same and the usual operating cost factors are the few factors that could also contribute to the numbers.
What I did to compute similar conclusion of RWLV performance was to use Genting's US segment number to minus off the US segment number from GenM. That gives me a rough overview of RWLV performance; single digit margins performance. It is double digit close to 20% historically.
Thats right, Vin. I am not sure whether its cyclical or structural as shared few days back. And makes sense to have a CFO there as they may ended up reporting lbitda instead of ebitda if they didnt manage it well. So, US segment is struggling while MY and SG segment is strong. The margins for MY and SG is between 30% to 40%. Within US segment, GenM US segment ebitda margins dipped to mid tens range in Q4 compared to mid to high twenties range.
You are welcome, Vin. The big names of IR operators or Genting's peers are LVS and Wynn. Genting's ebitda margins is comparable to their peers on the surface at 30%+ range; thanks to MY and SG segment. US segment is the undercurrent for Genting that has to be sorted out asap based on Q4'24 performance. Wynn's US segment ebitda margins is close to 30%.
q4 results digested by the IBs including leadership change :) 3 ratings downgraded from buy to hold, 7 buy and 1 overweight. Average tp at 4.61, median 4.20, low 3.98 and high 6.0; mostly skewed to level 4++
Thanks for sharing, Vin. Let's see how RWLV is doing for Q1FY25. The Strip area performance in Jan'25 is good; RWLV is located at the Strip area. https://youtu.be/8B6lqncC7zk?si=5-4vTbjy6ftomEZa
Every new CEO buys back company shares to show confidence in turning the business around. Before an AGM, the CEO must not let the stock price drop because it’s important to show that the market trusts the new leadership. This is especially true when it is the first time non families member leads the company.
For example, in CapitalA’s turnaround, shares were bought by a key investor (Mojo guy) when he announce his plan. The risk is that once this investor has bought enough shares or after about two weeks—when excitement about the new CEO fades—there may be no one left to support the stock price.
I think LKT is managing his private vehicle instead, TN. Back in 2022, KHIL "sold" 20M via TRS deal at 5.17. Basically, KHIL is hedging the upside/downside risk by transferring it to the other party. Fast forward, looks like KHIL did a good job there. Didn't notice any announcement of the termination of the deal so far. And KHIL is buying recently. So, I believed LKT is managing KHIL's interest. No idea what is driving his big purchase recently. Can be the valuation of his company or can be anything :)
As long his resignation is not due any serious health issue that may cause family divide for asset. It should be fine. But I will hold my horse until taurx. It should be in 2months time, right?
You have time to act still if you are eyeing TauRx decision in my personal opinion, TN. Well, you may miss the usual gap up just like any positive news in any other counters but you can still catch up with how much it is worth. Getting the MAA is just the first step in the first market and HMTM has to be in the market within 3 years. There are other markets' MAA to follow suit, FDA for US, EMA for Europe and etc.
Not so sure about that, 金龙柯基. Wait for the upcoming annual report to check on the shareholdings. There should be some movement from foreign institutions too. I heard moomoo app can check the shareholdings and seems like Blackrock Inc has increased its position. Not sure whether its true or not.
Cheng, blackrock hold genting now 1.64%.. I check back during 2024... Blackrock didn't hold any genting shares... I think Blackrock just collect recently :-)
It has been dropping since Aug last year, Vin. Pricing in the RWLV complaints and GenS earnings disruptions. A price gap recently due to the dividend reduction from the recent earnings report. Doubt it will go down further unless dividend is reduced further. GenS is moving up gradually too - probably driven by promising tourism number and reopening of Oceanarium n super luxury all suite hotel in Q3; in 6 months time
I think it's about time for GENT to reinvest the divd as share buyback to support share price to reward long term shareholders. Paying out divd may not guarantee share reinvestment
no share buybacks activity initiated so far, jiashen. top 30 shareholders (new and existing) making adjustment though including LKT. We will know the net movement of top 30 shareholders upon the availability of AR2024.
Genting Bhd.'s founder Lim family and the CEO's recent share purchases at historically low valuations could signal confidence in the stock, Maybank IB analyst Yin Shao Yang says in a note. Near-term drivers include the potential regulatory approval of its associate TauRx Pharmaceuticals' Alzheimer's combating drug by mid-2025, he says. A favorable resolution to the Nevada Gaming Control Board's investigation into Resorts World Las Vegas's compliance complaint could also improve Genting's earnings visibility, he says. A near-term key risk is its unit losing the pending $600 million lawsuit filed by JV partner RAV Bahamas, Yin says, noting that a decision is expected by June. Maybank raises Genting's rating to buy from hold and maintains its target price at MYR3.98. Shares are 0.3% higher at MYR3.25. (yingxiang.wong@wsj.com)
Maybank IB previously downgraded from Buy to Hold after the Q4 report and has now upgraded back to Buy in less than a month's time :) So, its 8 Buy, 1 Overweight and 2 Hold :)
I am referring to IB analyst from Maybank, Raymond. There are a total of 11 IBs that issued a buy/overweight/hold call for Genting. They are the ones that can issue such calls and TPs publicly.
Sounds like a good plan, Jk. And risk management too - any risks that could impact its performance and shareholding changes such as yield, index review and regulatory actions.
Hopefully LKT will continue buying after the ex date. The market response from LKT buying seems to be good - giving confidence as quoted by the analyst.
Privatisation? Bro, can give chance or not? I have just joined for less than a year and have to experience privatisation at 2.00 which is even lower than market price.