tian dong zheng's comment on HIBISCS. All Comments

tian dong zheng
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$HIBISCS (5199.MY)$ 公司把赚的钱都拿去买新油田,股息给太少了。即使不断的回购股票,也还是跌跌不休!应该把净利38%拿来派息予小股东,或者是把回购的库存股发红给股东。只要有股价的5%以上回酬率,那么此股价格至少站在3令吉以上。我没空去参加明天股东大会,有去参加的请代我转告公司CEO
Richard Foo
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Ubaidah At-Tasiki
this company use same strategy like top glove. buying back million of ringgit and sitting on losses
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Richard fth
This company is different. Better than Tan Sri. they are focus on the growth of the company.
they Buy back share and buy oil field is to grow the company. Pay more dividend and do not buy oil field is wrong step. Futhermore this company do not have support of govt nor EPF. so you understand how they grow.
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Ubaidah At-Tasiki
I know, but I agree with brother tian . better pay dividends than use that money too buyback
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Happy Happy
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Ubaidah At-Tasiki
virtually at tiih.com
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Ubaidah At-Tasiki
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Jason Wong
got good news for this ?
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Happy Happy
Yes good news on Hibiscus ?
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Tee Kim Hor
Collect more below 2.00..
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Ubaidah At-Tasiki
this acquisition to boost gas reserve until 50% approximately
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