Eric 2002's comment on GENETEC. All Comments

Eric 2002
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check the balance book you will see tons of receivable stacked.. next serbark I predicted. goreng god stock
Cateo Teoca
Trade receivables from 120mils reduced to 43mils. They're collected almost 80mils back.
Cash in hand increasing from 32mils to 41mils.
Means, those trade receivables can collect back, just a matter of time only.
Also, tech is future.
Now the price very attractive, i may go in more.
My 2 cents.
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4 Like · 4 months · translate
Trade receivables reduced coz they moved it to contract assets, if u sum up together trade&other receivables n contract assets figures likely the same as previous quarter. Contract assets r even worse ur product need meet some obligations then only can bill them. And cash increased u refer is comparing year to year, if q to q previous quarter they have 60millions and now only 40mil left. Don’t even think money could be in other investment category, that’s the money they got from issued private placement. So could it be serbadk 2.0? My thought is in making, coz I won’t let ppl hutang me for few years and I still keep sending products to them. Whole story didn’t make any sense. My 2 cents.
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3 Like · 4 months · translate
nazr zach
LYL, what are you talking about? Do you even know what you are talking about?
First off, Trade receivables are something you cannot see. They are things that already completed, invoiced and delivered to client. Inventories & Contract assets are physical in nature where the latter belongs or assigned to their client. Inventories are mostly raw material, it can be standard parts, sub-assembly parts or unfinished parts. Contract assets are easily identifiable not only its physical in nature but also its has special specifications. It not only has all the above and it also can be a finished product. They are presentable.
2 You probably need to look closer at their statement. They have their quarterly report and they also provide statements for 15 month period for this year while they compared their statements to 12 month period last year.
3 Debt. Debt has age. Debt changes with time. When its too long, its becomes a bad debt. There is credit control to deal with this. Its a good accounting practice if they write-off bad debt at year end. But the same debt is still there. They will continue chase customer to pay. Sue them in court if they fail to pay. When customer finally pays, it goes to another account and its all in their books.
4 Operating Expenditures. They have assets. They can always dispose or liquidate or mortgage them whenever they need money.
What everyone fail to see is trade payables. Trade payables are very low. You may want to know why?
I don't go near company like Serba Dinamik or Eversendai for this reason. They are construction, fabricator, service provider with office around the world. They all do progress billing. Companies like these are difficult to audit EXCEPT if you engage with an international auditor e.g. E&Y, PwC, KPMG. Serba Dinamik hates them all.
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2 Like · 4 months · translate
Eric 2002
no way to believe in this stock.after 5000% and now coming back, all goreng news about their batteries this and that. but the company never really show the growth with the money on their bank.. only paper shows they earn a lot.. smelly
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1 Like · 4 months · translate