Teoh Hwa's comment on SYGROUP. All Comments

Teoh Hwa
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Melvin see sygroup continue and most inportant see topglov fly already!!!
Teoh Hwa
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Vincent Chin
真的顶你 look chart 哥不顺,市场大跌几天在哪鬼叫,自叫自擂。。股价大跌你又不敢买,反弹上去才追高才赚几个bid就高潮。。我们价值投资还没有卖,还没来的及亏,就已经反弹了。。。市场转好,你继续追已反弹的股价吧,傻孩
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Vincent Chin
之前还说不想回復,但股价大跌就一直在哪吹,都费事理会。。自己投机就算,还讲到投资的一文不值。。小屁孩。。block 了你不用看你先家淋。
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Vincent Chin
我之前都说了,当市场转好时,Look chart 哥就会说 buy what up what,真快应验。
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Teoh Hwa
哈哈哈看回下我说我今早trade kossan时有上了没,Melvin都看到洛,自己瞎眼看没有,哈哈,然后才上,像你马后炮?美国大起说我要追高了但是反而马股连续大跌2天哈哈哈哈便宜货一堆,何来追高之有?不小心说了你住套房的痛点,opssss XD
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Teoh Hwa
panda 47sen我也说跑了,现在跌倒多少?怎样追高呢我的哥哈哈哈哈,不用紧的人少少你住套房就承认,我买多少都敢敢说了,kossan早上traxe都还没上现在直接9个bids赚几千而已,不用像你住套房那么尊贵哈哈哈sozai hihi
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Teoh Hwa
市场大跌我们没在鬼叫,我们反而很开心,但是那只傻傻的螃蟹分不清omg, 哈哈哈,加油傻傻螃蟹
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Vincent Chin
果然是天才look chart,今天9百多支股上升,随便买投机都赚几个bid 啦。。只有你自我感觉良好,利害。。。我就是你讲的价值投资者,早两天越跌越捞底,两天不小心又赚了20%。。。现在市好,可以看你表演了,look chart 哥
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Teoh Hwa
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Vincent Chin
住套房还未轮到我,去年收的股,大跌我也只是赚少点,而且从不all in...股市要大跌时,请通水。。期待你的 look chart skills
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Vincent Chin
虚心像你学习 look chart trade 就好了,亏就少少,赚就多多。。look chart 哥好料,牛市时个个都是股神
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Vincent Chin
好啦,不要阻碍你搭神坛,影响你的追随者,keep it up, look chart 股神
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Teoh Hwa
哈哈哈虚心就好,走过12年来连covid大跌也避雷了过后手套赚了一大轮就因为let profit run, 像你吹水一流走到死洛那时,我买股大单都是6位数开单,不看图难道看价值投资?早都完洛哈哈,加油吧傻傻螃蟹,你的操作全部小单capital又没那么大,自然格局也打不开,哈哈哈期待你改变的那一天,花若盛开,蝴蝶自来,当你每年交税需要整百千时格局自然打开了孩子哈哈哈
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa, I wanna learn from you
how to contact u outside of here ?
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Teoh Hwa
no worries, u are the right person in market and u surely will big earn and huat one day, 敬畏市场,跌破支撑就走,守纪律,现在接下来几天如果那些可以很快走回来的股都值得留意了,sygroup sealink之类的,你看他们的走势,要有自己赚钱的一套模式,不要本来买入了万一跌破支撑就安慰自己说价值投资就等,不舍得砍然后换股,最终吃亏的一定是自己,为啥要敬畏市场,你看过去几天到处新闻都是负面,大跌,爆仓等等新闻,可是如果你守纪律,这一轮肯定伤得不重,比方我自己的panda holding 4k lot, 我52没卖跌到47破了支撑我就卖,虽然少赚2万,可是如果我没卖呢,现在会是如何,我没卖52因为let profit run, 但是过后没继续run了就要注意了,如果没跌破支撑就继续拿,投资股票这回事,越简单约好,何必复杂化
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Teoh Hwa
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Teoh Hwa
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Teoh Hwa
低开高走sealink sygroup,哈哈,美股大跌都没影响,我开盘前和你解释的两只强势庄股票形态
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Teoh Hwa
现在到sygroup拉升了哈哈哈,huat la gogogo market!!!!!! On fire
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Melvin 8888
sealink start retrace a bit already....teoh hwa , but SYGROUP seem still stand strong
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Teoh Hwa
Yea hahaha now continue fly lo, that why i said 不要把股市复杂化,简单化让你更容易赚钱,最重要不用太压力,如果压力和赚钱不成对比,那为什么那么辛苦, 哈哈哈抱歉迟回复了这weekend outstation吃吃喝喝下
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Teoh Hwa
Ceb 大股东被割韭菜了,可以去study下,好像看戏创世纪那样
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Melvin 8888
teoh hwa
morning, today SYGROUP retrace
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Teoh Hwa
我在等着看它能调多一点吗,能的话就可以加了,机会是看入场点,现在sygroup还是很强势的,你现在看回sealink分析时飞一天今天继续,两天最高也去到around 18%了
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Melvin 8888
ok , your opinion what the best price for SYGROUP to enter?
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Teoh Hwa
Not able to fulfill my lot at 90c this morning..only less than 200lot…the rest i wont chase high, so long it no break 87sen below 91c i will hoot , still strong sygroup
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Teoh Hwa
Today can slowly shopping again haha , monitor those strong stock can ad , really easier filter nowadays comapred last few months
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Teoh Hwa
Btw, agx is considered a strong stock, monitor how much it can corrected and if able get 53-54 risk reward good
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Teoh Hwa
Agx start got support, sygroup continue attack, haha mnay red yet sygroup can continue fly, see 强庄股, strong technical support with fundamental, easy
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Teoh Hwa
If sygroup can sustain 96 today then noon gt hope go rm1 ad, new chapter for sygroup as break new high soon
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Teoh Hwa
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Melvin 8888
I will have looks on AGX , thanks teoh Hwa
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Teoh Hwa
No worries, if strong means 53 need supported, but i personally prefer it can bigger correction to 465 support retest first
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Teoh Hwa
Agx continue ad haha , sygroup also at least good sign
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Teoh Hwa
Agx tomorrow can go new high ad, sygroup wait breakout 94sen
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Melvin 8888
if SYGROUP break 0.94
whar is the next teoh Hwa?
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Teoh Hwa
Wait see how it goes ad, definitely can go above 1, no need rush and worry, let market decide the direction only haha, agx continue le
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Teoh Hwa
Woah sygroup breakout gogogog trigger more buyer lai le
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa, how many units you hold this SYGROUP?
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Teoh Hwa
Now just cross 12k profit wait see how far it can goes , momentum come ad, hope can sustain afternoon so it confirmed breakoit today and ready for rm1 above next week, let market decide it no worries hahaha , that why , park your money in those technocal strong with momentum, no need waste time wait , ur cost is if wrong then cut loss only if broken support,让赚钱是件容易的事情,subsequent money will come ,and already mentioned for many days 不然人家眼红说马后炮哈哈哈
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Melvin 8888
hahaha...then I holding more than you my profit more than you ... hehehehe
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Teoh Hwa
Hahaha good good, congrats, let monitor closely as supposed this round should be strong and close rm1 today, hope afternoon wont be soft , let monitor!! Hehehe, no choice previous market no good i disposed and after that buyback( but right decision as i didnt hurt when it drop to 80c during downturn this month), else my previous holding if same units now got 35k profit , aiya is ok, chance always there, just less earn bit only
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Teoh Hwa
U got your pocket angpau for this year trip can go relax ad haha, now i inside airport waiting lounge wait flight.. back malaysia, next month fly near bit then wait year end bring parents go japan just a 自由行 not follow those agency , afternoon only can monitor once arrive lo , hope can sustain and supposed can as trigger more buyer in already since morning breakout 94sen as mentioned. Hope can close rm1 bq, let market decide,不求涨停只求涨不停
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Melvin 8888
happy holidays, Teoh Hwa
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Melvin 8888
wah ....teoh Hwa , really hit 1.00
you really geng leh
my sifu .... hahaha ?
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Teoh Hwa
Hahahaa just landed, happy to see it closed new high now, and sealink continue fly today and agx still well supported, kossan also above rm2 now, thanks to market and enjoy your weekend , not i geng is need thanks to market hahaha, happy weekend
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Melvin 8888
yes bro...
MN holding , Notion , PWRWELL
good for enter ?
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Teoh Hwa
Mnh is the strongest among these 3, notion and pwrwell need time already to back on track else no need buy, so can monitor but not that strong now, mnh the strongest but need supported at current price ( qr going release this month also many), so personally think rmb to take these into account when u make decision, if me i will focus on those strong stock now to lower down my risk exposure
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Teoh Hwa
See the few focused sygroup sealink agx kossan before all fly this round, all last friday have a good return, dont focus those uncertainty then affect ur mood and subsequent affect ur strategy
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Teoh Hwa
Hahahaha 1.02, easy
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Teoh Hwa
Kossan sealink all continue goggogo!!!woah
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa , AGX 0.53 now still can add more ?
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Teoh Hwa
See how it close first, if today go close below 53 then might monitor more while only decide. Kossan continue up as according to plan haha that day 1.88 in as mentioned here is quite low point before this round shoot( although lowest is 1.85) but we cant predict, just follow chart , so long now is confirm profit just matter of more or less, same to sygroip sealink , gogogogo market huat a!!!!!!
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Melvin 8888
yes monitor closely, we see how today AGX closing price first
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa, SYGROUP possible hit 1.05 or 1.06 ?
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Teoh Hwa
Hahaa just patience wait, now is new high, definitely need time to digest, like i said,不求涨停只求涨不停,no need keep watch ad for these new high wait it break and fly more
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Teoh Hwa
Pekat, seem still well supported can trade le , immediate support 935
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa, AGX close below 0.53 today (0.52)
maybe correction retrace like you mentioned will happen soon
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Teoh Hwa
Yea , this is why i always said let market decide direction, we only follow to earn that much profit/ cut if not favourable, 我们不可能能做长胜将军,but if win one stock the % will be very favourable , gogogo market!!! Hahaha still excited
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SY Still Young, hahaha !!!
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SY is not only still young but also energetic. Recently ,it ventures into motor vehicles trading segment to diversify especially in Toyota sales. Toyota is one of the most popular models. YS keeps buying back its own shares to show the confidence and the values .
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Teoh Hwa
Hahaha just wait lo see market can push to how much, anyway now the good time can keep go exchange foreign currency to standby for your upcoming holiday, can get more hehehe
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SYGROUP (升阳集团)有如东升的太阳 !更重要的是我国政府也大力支持和关注我国的船运业发展.
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Teoh Hwa
Hahaha keep waitong, sygroup still well supported , wait it go higher gogogo, today bidor relax eat eat around local food , overall strong still strong , weak become weaker, sygroup grab more ppl attention now
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Teoh Hwa
Share buy back since 80sen lol
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Today company share buy back price at RM1.00 already. Hahaha !!!
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SYGROUP keeps buying back its own shares at higher and higher prices. That shows how confidence is SYGROUP in its bright future !!!
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Teoh Hwa
1.04, sygroup still stand strong and keep shoot hahaha, happy everyone huat huat
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Teoh Hwa
Approach new high and sky is the limit, thanks sygroup still contributing pretty profit in this market , huat gogogo!!!
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Happy happy huat huat . Everyone is lucky. Hahaha !!!
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Teoh Hwa
1.05 41.06 one m kena sapu out of sudden, huat a everyone, this kind of market still can hoot dso this kind of evday up shares, gogogo!!!
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SY (Still Young) got a lot of energy Come on SY. You can do better. !!!
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personal afandi
i sayang you lahhhhhh syg
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Teoh Hwa
today one day up another 10k, hahaha huat huat after the 13k, gogogo achieve first 50k in sygroup, Melvin sure higher profit than me ad hahaha
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personal afandi
my 1st entry at 0.585..3 times top up ..ngam
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Melvin 8888
teoh Hwa , shhhh...cannot comments here so open for the amount....
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Teoh Hwa
hahahaha okok understand, else later some1 come again understand bro

woah congrats afandi!!! hahaha
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personal afandi
Thanks Teoh..sarawak will be Malaysia powerhouse later
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fly through the roof kind operator likely will push at least 3x to 4x on this counter
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Teoh Hwa
prospect remain intact, chart uptrend then can continue hold already, let profit run and thanks for market reward
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Teoh Hwa
Wa agx follow the story prediction , Melvin, haha
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Teoh Hwa
Nice closing sygroup, new high with volume, easy profit , ops enter correct timing again then all the way up and now new high, huat la everyone!!!!!!
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Melvin 8888
huat huat..huat a
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WOW ! Shares buy back at RM1.06 announced today 21-08-2
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Melvin 8888
but share buy back sikit only
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Sikit sikit lama menjadi bukit hahaha.......
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Company adopts the prudent policy . It won't buy back a lot of shares at any one time. SYGROUP is cash rich bu it would buy back shares gradually and with a lot of cash remaining to standby .
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Melvin 8888
yes ...KONG CHON
you guess SYGROUP can go 1.15?
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Melvin 8888 To reach RM1.15 might take some time
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Teoh Hwa
Now agx fly turn, hahaha, right timing again , comment last week how i prefer it goes in this few days and nicely ngam ngam 49 and then fly to now 56 easy
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Teoh Hwa
Still no broken 925 , strong sygroup
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Teoh Hwa
low volume correction, now waiting qr and is good if support above 925
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chris w
qr when bro?
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Teoh Hwa
Somewhere this week , but technically stil strong hahaha , let see
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chris w
thanks bro, hope can break 1.00 today
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Teoh Hwa
is rm1 now, technically it can trigger more buyer if can sustain hehehe, new chapter luckily last week no get wash as it still support above 925 ,and then up back rm1 now
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Teoh Hwa
Today technically setup well, tomorrow the day fly gogogogo !!!
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Teoh Hwa
Wa Melvin luckily notion pwrell u didnt touch, see that day mentioned not nice then both drop more than 40% scary hahaha
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Teoh Hwa
Sunview also , after 72sen broken then die until today
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Teoh Hwa
still supported, let see how it close later hehehe
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