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Halo,美国大力反弹七百点怎么没人报告一下哈哈哈哈哈………难道大家被恐惧缠上了哈哈哈哈…………. 克服恐惧最好的办法便是面对它切记哈哈哈哈…………炒股路上是孤独的,结群的后果只会恐惧恐慌蔓延哈哈哈哈哈……….. 我大部分的从炒股赚的都是在恐惧中赚到的………. 市场还没panic就要走人了,我有通水的,panic的时候怎么卖好价呢……….. 我昨天狂扫ytl213,214,remiser发讯息给我be careful bro,klci will retest1528-1535,klci in bloodbath …………他也在恐惧中,我告诉他I will huge win in this panic sales………. 不好意思又忍不住吹水,今天要套利到手软我那里可能只买ytl 一只的,genetec也不错两只都开始套利了,不一只只讲忙啊哈哈哈………. 闪人不回复………
- Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller said in an interview with CNBC on Thursday that the December inflation data was very good and that if data persists along the same lines, we may see rate cuts in the first half.
"If inflation data comes in as it has, I'd expect a cut in the first half of the year," he said.
Waller added that he doesn’t think a cut in March can be ruled out and that if inflation moves lower, there may be more cuts that the market currently sees, noting that three or
be more cuts that the market currently sees, noting that three or four cuts could be possible this year “if the data cooperates.”
While cautioning that he may be more optimistic than his colleagues at the Fed, Waller said inflation was back to trend, and he believes it will come in towards the target.
Assessing the recent jobs report, Waller said the strong data was a makeup from weaker earlier reads and that when assessing all of the indicators, the employment market is solid but not boomin
thanks for sharing..
Malaysia will have quite a number of DC investment...if not enough AI for DC, I think they still can proceed batch by batch....if can't complete in one year, then continue the next year and so on.....since the Data for DC also expected to expand 20% every year....look at those post the data(photo,video)...everyday ,every minutes increase so much...