Shafik 94's comment on YGL. All Comments

Shafik 94
6 Like · Reply
Pray for me hahaha
no more gas
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Shafik 94
Lets play kiss 58 for quick & ez money hahaha
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Shafik 94
Q at 245. Let see how
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napis 22
follow Shafik untuk round 2
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Shafik 94
All matched ya! Pray for me hahahha
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Shafik 94
Ingat 245. Sekali touch support h1 235 daa. Harey sejukkkkkk kahkahkah
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Zhong Lee
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napis 22
sejuk sangat tu Shafik... bertahan dulu
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Shafik 94
Hahaha lek je ni. Daily support 215. Mati keras kalau tak average down?
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napis 22
KLCI index tak ok hari ni
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Shafik 94
Normal bos tf besar monthly, 3mth 6mth closed engulf untuk counter ni. Might turun untuk retest dulu sebelum new high
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napis 22
ok stand by modal nak topup 215 pulak
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Shafik 94
Haha harap tak sampai la. Tak lama sangat kena sidai
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marzuki mohamad
Rasanya dia turun ke 205/190 …
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napis 22
betul tu Marzuki...jom kita
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Shafik 94
Jom next support 215. Mana tahu weekend ni dah 30 kahkahkah
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Shafik 94
Waiting shakeout done huhu. When non quality buyer kicked out then can start a new wave again
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Mohammad Shaheed
nova dah.. next YGL??
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Mohd Shamsaidi
ygl next...
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Shafik 94
Last month closed as momentum candle. Just wait for a pullback to completed. Min 60c i guess
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napis 22
tahniah shafik
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Shafik 94
Hahaha lucky tak kena rembat
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Shafik 94
Bila orang yg lama sangkut setel take profit then this stock can slowly jump again. Orang yg baru masuk mesti mau tp lagi jauh. Proses ni continuously happen sampai liquidity grab zone huhu
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William Gui
wait red only buy in :)
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Shafik 94
This is just a starting point
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Shafik 94
Those stups that keep selling at low will always repeat the same shet since they don’t really know how TA works hahaha. Poor them
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Shafik 94
Latest update for this counter. Korang biar je dulu si bodo terus buang. Yg beli bawah sudah senyum hahaha
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napis 22
boleh main lagi ker
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Shafik 94
Takda hal bang
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Shafik 94
Touch pun 215 hahaha
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napis 22
alang-alang tunggu 190 lah
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Shafik 94
Alamak. Tu level2 cl saya tu
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ape agak nya effect dari announcement hari ini ya
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napis 22
adakah kalian bersedia untuk CL
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Shafik 94
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Shafik 94
Aku all in now. Merayu dekat remiser suruh bagi margin sejoota kahkahkah
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Shafik 94
Incase break 225 then game on for short term. All the best
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William Gui
Belum time lagi brother.. now masuk u sejuta jadi hangus
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napis 22
190 sudah..ini kalilah CL
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Shafik 94
Hmm cutloss 250k hahahaha
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William Gui
oi 250k bagi I angpao la
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napis 22
banyak tu ..hold jer lah ..mothly ok lagi kot
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Shafik 94
Cutloss to average the price for a lower cost bang haha. Counting ew lama saya sudah tak valid. Kena count baru shettt
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Shafik 94
Monthly sangat cun tapi biasala suka buat jarum
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Lim Es
masih ok ke bro your 1m margin
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Shafik 94
Ok but need to re-calculate how much need to use untuk stock megi for the next month hahahahhaha
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Shafik 94
Touch my bottom structure. All in slowly
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Shafik 94
Oyeahh min 225 if break then mooning
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Lim Es
something is cumming, shafik u yang beli ke 230000 lot @195 hahah
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Shafik 94
Haha no la. Im not the pusher. Enter earlier at 185 hahaha
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Shafik 94
Rip. Sell selllselll!!
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Lim Es
hancur sudah la shafik..
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Shafik 94
Based on daily yes!
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RTLC Channel
Tunggu harga turun lagi
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Mohd Shamsaidi
futures -1,200.. esok ygl jadi super penny
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Shafik 94
Harapnya jadi 1cent la hahaha. Confirm esok drop 20bid hehehhehee
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Mohd Shamsaidi
kita biar je jerung main sorang² dlm tu haha
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Shafik 94
Cara ni bukan setakat jerung sangkut. Bapak segala paus pun ciduk habis. Tak tahu la next year epf announce berapa % dividend sebab 1 bursa kena lipat hahaha
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Shafik 94
Macam biasa. Bila dia nak try recover ada je pukimak yg tak sabar gi buang harga. Hahaha. Today hit 0.10 la!
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Amal Adam
haha sabar2.
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napis 22
sabar bang sabar on deep
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Shafik 94
Teknik harapan tp 59c boleh ka?
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Amal Adam
teknik harapan biasanya tak ada limit rm59 pun boleh klo nk berharap haha..
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Shafik 94
RM100 for 1k lot ka? Kahkahkah
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Shafik 94
Kemon 10cent.
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Shafik 94
At this moment. Need to break 17 and maintain above 185. No buy signal until both 17 and 185 reached
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Shafik 94
Watch out 17. Kalau habis show on
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Amal Adam
0.28 0.35
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Shafik 94
0.44 0.59
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Shafik 94
Test 155 first then pushback to top
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Shafik 94
Sell saja guys before making a new confimation to buy later. Jangan hold loss tu hahaha
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napis 22
ok baik ..nak agx Ker beta?
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Shafik 94
Both tak minat. Harini game esok lemau. Bursa perlukan orang kaya yg fomo untuk rancak
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Lim Es
kaunter tak jalan la...bursa tak shiok orang lain naik dia tak ikut, orang lain terjun dia ikut
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Shafik 94
Sebab apa? Malaysian suka rempit. Buy on hype. Semua sifu mostly buat kelas ajar rempit.orang tanya apa tu price action, ew, trendline semuanya kelaut nak jawab
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Shafik 94
155 bye bye or buyy buyy?
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Shafik 94
Luckily im out earlier. Going to be in consolidation for a long long time hahahhaa. Rip
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All out ke?
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Shafik 94
All out. Waiting for 12month tf to break sideway first then this stock can perform again
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Lim Es
betul ke shafik, tak takut nanti hancur?
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Shafik 94
Takdenya. This is holder. Kita takutkan orang suruh jual saja
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Shafik 94
According to my ew counting. Ext wave is until 58-60cent. But it just a dream till the price reach those target hahahahaha. Anyone master on ew can comment?
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napis 22
sudah gerak gais
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Shafik 94
Takda yg confirm lagi. Unless ada HH baru
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Shafik 94
Run going to 1 cent soon
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Shafik 94
Holder must stay believe. Future will be like dataprp. Tp RM4 hahahhahahhhaa. Die
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Shafik 94
Die die die
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Lim Es
matikkk oooooo
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napis 22
GoGoGo seposen
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Shafik 94
Quasimodo in the making
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Shafik 94
Even us stock in green but this counter will die slowly. So shit. All the best holder
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Amal Adam
boleh beli dah tu. hold lagi 3 taun. haha.
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Shafik 94
Jual semua guys. Aku nak buang 40k lot petang ni!
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napis 22
ok roger bos
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RTLC Channel
Apa harga mahu jual? Sy mau q buy sikit
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Shafik 94
14 mari beli untuk saya
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Shafik 94
14 takda yg nak beli terpaksa buang sikit2. Cepat jual semua sebelum kena dump haha
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Amal Adam
next week naik 0.18 balik tu. hahaha
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Shafik 94
Moga next week 9cent haha
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Shafik 94
No volume. Next week auto 5cent
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