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China segment rose significantly higher and overtaking Malaysia segment; coincide with higher receivables, higher cost of sales and higher provision for credit loss. Machining jobs at a loss for China customer?
They lost huge revenue from malaysia primary customer in 24Q1 but immediately replaced the lost revenue with china customer. Guess how much was their 1st huge revenue from china?
Not sure, Adama. Judging from the numbers, it will be huge. There are two possibilities here. The good reason is company tried to expand the market but in the process made a loss. The bad reason is receivables :)
Capex looks good though. I didn't check the previous qtrs performance. If similar findings of higher receivables, provision for credit loss, something is brewing in China segment - for good or for bad :)
No idea about the previous 11, mint. Can't comment since didn't follow the previous 11. Can ask those that are familiar with it on any "old habits" of mgmt? Old habits die hard as the saying goes. This qr receivables, cost of sales/expenses coincide with the China segment raises eyebrows though.