BoonHwa Lim's comment on DSONIC. All Comments

BoonHwa Lim
3 Like · Reply
Not bad this company got dividend
BoonHwa Lim
Good QR + dividend
1 Like · 3 months · translate
give dividend again???? when????
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Dennix Chin
i think is repeat news
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Foong Sok Har
如果明天卖了 还可以收到股息吗?
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Zi Xian
yes have dividend
3 Like · 3 months · translate
I think after Entitlement Date only have dividends
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Lim Chee Yong
Can sell today , you entitle receive the dividend
2 Like · 3 months · translate
oic, thanks......
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Lii Lii
14/6 ex , today can get dividend if buy today ?
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Koh Chee yong
hari ini beli sudah tak ada dividen,semalam saya sudah panggil
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charlvitt phattayaphan
i want to ask why there write entitled only on 18 June 2024? meaning if sell today also tak ada right
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Zi Xian
EX date 14 June, Means you can sell today or after, Entitled the DIV

EX date 14 June, if buy today not entitled DIV,

Check DIV payment date & check your Bank :)
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Lii Lii
Baru tgk hari ni ?. Tak ape next round baru Mari
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