Han Hui Kho's comment on ARBB. All Comments

Han Hui Kho
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Li Kun
All in don’t scare
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Han Hui Kho
li gun, how? 0.035 buy, sell 0.030 already. u run already?
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Li Kun
Why sell buy nia scare wat
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Han Hui Kho
keep this rugi stock for what. keep it urself. only the own company arbb buy back. they propose for high monthly income only.
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Li Kun
If u not interested why u keep posting here… if scare u can keep ur money in fd don’t come here
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Han Hui Kho
i am here to see people dont buy this shit. if u want to buy, go a head. and go post in ur own column.
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Li Kun
Haha so funny
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Han Hui Kho
when u buy this stock and rugi, it is not funny. just buy if u want. and go create ur own column.
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cesc loh
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Tan Seng Seng
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Han Hui Kho
如何投诉? 有人会吗? 我也想投诉。 莫名其妙,毫无理由的股票会起,然后跌。 完全被操控了。
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怎样投诉? 死老千股
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Tan Seng Seng
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老千也真笨 ! 在不对的时刻炒它 , 还以为散户会买单 ! 绝情月都不知 , 搞量欺骗散户 ! 同样价格买卖做量是不必本钱的 ! 如果它做量能起了 , 必跑 ! 加油 ! 加油 !
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Han Hui Kho
从此以后,arbb成了圈钱走人的代名词。 还有那个kok liew,真是缺德。
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Han Hui Kho
Dont buy this stock. no one want to hold, prices stock will go down. no money come in,stock prices will not go up. plus, the company no good income...
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Tet Wah Law
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Tet Wah Law
看看楼主发言,应该在arbb rugi了不少。我也被arbb千了我不少钱
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