Jonathan Pang's comment on D&O. All Comments

Jonathan Pang
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Win Win
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Green LT
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业绩算不错了咯,现在汽车行业都开始迅速发展,我看等到下一个业绩出 股价就会开始大起了
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Green LT
只要EPF 不丢票,价钱应该不会掉。如果>3.70EPF再买,那价钱就会穿越4.00。我本身是不会买的。
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ttstock 1996
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Dan Danne
这个股很奇怪,在跌的时候,没有人comment ,静如湖水,但涨的时候comment 多到可写作文,哈哈哈!
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Green LT
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Dan Danne
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Green LT
嗯!终於开始看到EPF 卖票了。EPF 买3.0-3.50, 卖3.60-3.70,大概15-20% profit. 有5%是给我们members 的.
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Keith Liu
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Jonathan Pang
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对咯,EPF 不能左右股价,就好像MYEG, 不管怎么卖 股价还是飞,因为大户不只是EPF, 还有很多foreign 跟本地fund。跟着自己的理念最重要
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Green LT
我的口气很小,也不比你们牛逼,我对市场有敬畏之心。 可能你们比EPF更牛吧!哈哈哈。
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Jonathan Pang
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Jonathan Pang
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Green LT
没有基金(EPF)新加的燃油,股价很难推新高。 除非公司买回股票。
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Keith Liu
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Green LT
Keith-see money take money ya. Don’t dream about long term investment.
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Green LT
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Dan Danne
D&O is not a good choice for long term investment
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Green LT
Although Hermes is expensive, but still got people loving luxury bag and keep for future value appreciation.
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Dan Danne
issue ESOS again and again
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Green LT
More ESOS will dilute the share and EPS will drop. If company can’t catch up with profit margin, then the share price will
1 Like · 2 months · translate
Green LT
EPF start selling, very interesting.
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Dan Danne
Time the tech stock moving down, they climb too high
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Lilly Ang
Waiting to catch it at cheap point
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Green LT
What is your cheap point price? I follow you if it reasonable low.
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Dan Danne
top head and should pattern are formed, may drop till 3.48
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Green LT
Looking at today KLSE trading, I am so lucky to sell and collect cash. 当初,又有很多人喷我了。
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Green LT
Dan Dane-r u managed to buy today as the price drop below 4.45?
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Dan Danne
I study the chart found that head & should pattern form at bullish, price will go down soon, I assume the price will reach 3.40 then consider buy in
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Green LT
Agree the head and shoulder chart. If price hit below 3.40, most likely will further dip to 3.00. In view EPF keep selling, I will KIV first. Those hit and run trader can buy at 3.40 and sell at 3.55 for tiny profit.
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Dan Danne
I think the Q2 report will be announce on Aug soon? I estimate the revenue and EPS not very good look, maybe lower than previous quarter, but fortunately the ringgit are stronger now compare to dollar, may help D&O earned from forex differences
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Dan Danne
If look at the chart, i assume the price probably will have momentum between 3.45 - 3.60
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Green LT
I am so happy last 2 months sold 80% of my stock and holding cash awaiting to collect cheap stock. 我不是幸災乐禍,只是很开心做对了。 让子弹飞一飞,然后再决定要买那个股。
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Dan Danne
buy low sell high, choose good performance stock, basic tactic is enough, sometime good fundamental stock stock price not moving much
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Kuan Yu Lai
Dan Danne if I switch this to frontkn ok ?
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Dan Danne
Frontkn are good performance stock, but currently price are high, overvalued, i aspect the price to drop to 4.00
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Lilly Ang
EPF disposed D&O shares again ...
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