tian dong zheng's comment on DAYANG. All Comments

tian dong zheng
6 Like · Reply
Dayang 5141 一年才赚不到0.19令吉,每股净值也只有1.44令吉,股价却高涨每股2.82令吉。大红花石油Hibiscus 5199 三个季度已赚0.44令吉,每股净值3.77令吉,三季已派息6仙,股价却只有2.54令吉。马股市投机跟风不理智,跟随炒风不看公司盈利能力,这样的股民迟早被操盘大鳄吃掉!
Chee Keong Pon
agreed with your thinking
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Bisaam Jebat
All I can say is Welcome to Bursa Malaysia XD
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Ubaidah At-Tasiki
holy fcxkk why dayang much higher than hibiscus
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Kean Hau Khor
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Kean Hau Khor
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