Nazri Bin Abdullah's comment on INGENIEU. All Comments

Nazri Bin Abdullah
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pls dont act like hongseng
Mohd Mu'izzuddin 'Afifi Matsor
sebijik hongseng
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Gajah Duduk
hongseng takdak isi.
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Mohd Mu'izzuddin 'Afifi Matsor
ni ad isi ke? wkakaka
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Gajah Duduk
hijau la jugak qr dari merah semua. hahahaha
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Mohd Mu'izzuddin 'Afifi Matsor
Hahaha. Ntah ler. Nk ckp pn xreti. Shareholder bnyk je bli. Tp jatuh gak. Ke aim warran j shrehldr ni
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Nazri Bin Abdullah
biasa kalau nak bg warrant, mother dia mmg jd mcmni ke
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Mohd Mu'izzuddin 'Afifi Matsor
Xtentu. kdang ok, kdang x. Biasa mother share akan spike klu nk bg warrant. ni mcm xbsggh je nk bg warrant. Kih3
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Mohd Mu'izzuddin 'Afifi Matsor
Tgh la. Klu dia rebound ma 200 ni, buleh la kut nk masuk skit buat raso2
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0.12 soon....cb counter
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Khairi Rusly
qr (-].. patutlah
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no wonder, longkang result is announced
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Aziz Akmal
qr still positive cuma drop
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I don't think is due to result but just this is a tricky stock...for goreng only by those operators. their cost could be below 0.12 or even cheaper so if they dumped at 0.13 and above, still got profit...only ikan bilis go holland
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Aziz Akmal
yup. not related to QR. We can see previous QR, even negative earnings still steady
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Mohd Mu'izzuddin 'Afifi Matsor
dah 0.110. xde harapan dh
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Gajah Duduk
hancur masa depan
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