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1st - TM sent to you. 2nd-you bring the email to TM office to confirm when update. 3rd TM confirm tentative date of upgrading, you no need do anything and TM didnot send anybody go to your home. 4th you need check your existing router model capacity (mine one is TP Link Acher 1200 which provide 2.4GB (can serve up to 300mbps and 5.2GB which can serve to 867mbps, thus can get 300Mbps). However you need to check wufi capacity wifi for your laptop, phone etc.. Some cannot support 300mbps...
If you already upgraded, the speed will be fast.. If not check your modem or router model can support the upgrade? Use cat 6 cable is more, stable than Wifi. Wifi network card capacity in laptop, handphone, router need to be compactible product in order to get better speeds
My initial stage faced problems on low speed in wifi (50 mbps) as compared 300mbps via cat 6 cable. Not settled wifi speed by changing high speed wifi adapter that support dual band 802.11ac.
Streamyx user here. Speed upgraded from 1mb to 30 mb. If I check the speed from the WiFi tab it is usually 26mb. But download speed, web loading speed, video speed as slow as before. My phone can definitely support any higher speed. Monthly charge is 110, I think with that price can get 100 mbps.
Streamyx only support maximum to 30mbps because using copper cable instead fibre optic cable. Many building and area still using copper cable. This us why government in new budget to allocated 1 billion fund to replace existing copper cable and also install fibre optic cable to new area but it take time... Mine one is using unifi upgraded 300mbps. Using cat 6 cable can get 300mbps and wifi can get 250mbps for download, 50mbps for upload for both cable and wifi
So confusing, before that my speed is only 1mb, now it is 54 mb. This is based on my phone WiFi statistics. I suspect my streamyx package may have been increased to 100 mbps, not surprising for the price I m paying at RM 110. But the router plus copper cable is not able to support at the full speed. However, I m still able to receive 56 mbps as I said earlier. Unfortunately, the download speed is no different from 1mbps, this whole broadband speed change must be a farce
Ok, download speed has increased 3 times, now I check again. At 1 mbps, it is downloading at 200kb per download package, now it is 600kb per download package. This is does not tally with the Internet speed at all, I m receiving 48 mbps, which should be even faster. My college WiFi I m able to receive around 30 mbps, but I m able to download at a speed of 2 to 5 mb per download package, a far cry from my current download speed. This is still very confusing.
And also, to remind everyone, please put your router at the highest floor in your house, the router signal is designed to go downwards, if you put it downstairs and use upstairs, you will realise the WiFi speed is not just lousy, but the signal is barely alive