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Myeg recent revenue mainly comes from the sales of Zetrix crypto coins. Zetrix coin price shoot up 70% since Jan24. I think Myeg should worth 10x from price today. Zetrix is totally undervalued if you compare to Bitcoin which had shoot up 1,200% in the past 5 years. Valuation for Myeg is not justified, should go up further, 10 fold super stock in Bursa!
Current Total Token Supply in Market = 1,116Mil ZETRIX, Current Coin Price = USD 17.59;
Let’s say Total Intangible Asset of MYEG is includes market share of Zetrix coins which is, $17.59 x 1,116M = $19,630 Million USD. Wow, that’s a lot!
Correct me if I’m wrong, anyone…
Today's Zetrix Coin Price = USD 19.12 (+12% in 7 Days); Total Token Supply in Market = 1,116M ZETRIX,
If let’s say MYEG sold out ALL Zetrix in coins market and registered in MYEG's Net Asset, what will be new NTA? Market value of Zetrix = $19.12 x 1,116M = USD $21,338 Mil (RM 100,288 Mil).
Old NTA = RM 0.29; New NTA = (Current NAV+RM100,288M)/Share = RM13.56! (+4532%) Wow, that’s a lot!
《Change in Earning Forecast》
“We tweaked our FY24F/FY25F/FY26F earnings forecast higher by 43%, 98% and 108% respectively, as we factor in higher contributions from sales of Zetrix’s token and services rendered from the blockchain platform. Note that Ztrade is one of the services to be launched on Zetrix and management guided that it could earn a fixed submission fee of RMB200 for each Certificate of Origin (CO) issued to facilitate the shipments to China through Ztrade. Hence, this could potentially generate additional revenue of around RM250M per annum, considering close to 2M of annual shipments from Malaysia to China alone, as per management guidance.”
From BIMB Research Highlight~
Zetrix from almost $20 suddenly drop to $17. That’s strange. I hope bullish happen, not bearish.
Myeg trend is now in very tricky symmetrical triangle, when it reach triangle end, that is only two way up or down..
zetrix drop is normal... cos coin drop during war. they panic... but what not good is, zetrix from usd5 to 20 myeg no up. zetrix drop from 20 to 17, myeg follow. myeg is sohigh as always.
Hong Kong regulators approved the launch of spot Bitcoin and Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on 15Apr 2024. It is just one step closer to help MYEG resonates their vision and enables Zetrix to emerge into blockchain application in Hong Kong
Myeg is a explosive growth hidden gem. I hope soon in one day MYEG will be listed in Bursa Top30 largest companies and the First IT company in KLSE index.