Shawn Cheah's comment on PLINTAS. All Comments

Shawn Cheah
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lose money every year, accumulated losses almost 500m..........
and the IPO is not from the company itself, but from the existing shareholder listing their share to sell to the public
Now shareholder is looking for 接盘侠, really pity those IPO subscribers who never read the IPO prospectus
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Lionel Essi
You are right. Somemore The intrinctic value near to ipo price. Not much meat to eat. But risk is greater. Good luck water fishes.
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Shawn Cheah
aiyoyo 今天出新闻了,欠人工程款 100m 没还,被subcon集体 sue 了
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Stephen Law
no wonder EPF also throw
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Shawn Cheah
用 PBT 然后 addback finance cost/amortisation, tax expense, etc 来算出一个超级可观的 70mil dividend distributions,然后放进 IPO prospectus
也不知道是 谁批准他们把这种计算方式纳入 IPO 当 "卖点" 的,SC 在睡觉? 可怜了不会看财报的投资者
3 Like · 3 months · translate
Shawn Cheah
有钱就捞 越跌越捞
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Lionel Essi
Remember time is cost and cost is time. See the time frame. Money put into bank earn more than here. Good luck.
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Paddy Goh
@Shawn Cheah 据我了解这个不就是business trust 的用意吗? 因为这种heavy asset的公司拥有大量的capex, depreciation 和 amortisation 导致了accounting loss making 和 accumulated losses, 所以正常accounting treatment底下这类型公司不能获得dividends. 但是大道公司收的过路费又产生庞大的现金流而不能变现, 所以才需要 business trust 这种模式来让股东能获得dividends.
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Shawn Cheah
不会 account 的人就会以为 depreciation不是实际成本,他们根本不了解为什么会有 depreciation 和 depreciation 存在的意义
通过这种 adjustment 方法来派 dividend 等于杀鸡取卵,dps>eps = 使用未来钱,不懂会计的人才会在ipo上车
3 Like · 3 months · translate
Shawn Cheah
RM0.825 = 7.7% DY, very attractive isn't it?
after exdate = RM0.760
anyone start collecting? hahaha
1 Like · 2 months · translate
Michael Michael
How do you calculate DY to get 7.7%
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Shawn Cheah
lol!! of course is get it from ipo prospectus lah, dividend 70mil they promise one mah hahaha
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Michael Michael
Ok Shawn, TQ...
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