Chua Thomas's comment on UCHITEC. All Comments

Chua Thomas
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I’m anticipating no dividend or special divd because this company has already paid dividends last Dec..

From its past divd payout pattern, it is always Jan & July… last yr was really an exception..
Mary Lee
Probably still will have one more dividend payout cause they need to distribute their Q4 earnings to maintain their divided payout ratio. Normally it's around 90-100% but so far it's only 78% of Q1 to Q3 EPS. Special Dividend not so sure cause they gave one last year which depleted their cash.
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Samuel Chan
如果沒算錯的話, 下個季度 UCHITEC 盈利至少 33M, 年度盈利大概會是 99.6 + 33 = 132.6 M, 過去5 年 , UCHITEC 股息派發率 都超過 90% , 這樣看來 , 年度股息 應該在 132.6 *0.9 = 122.94 M, 除以流通股數 4億6千萬股 , 每股股息 應該會在 0.27 。 公司在這個財年 才派了0.17 , 下個季度股息估計是9 到10 分 。 我的天 0.27/4.08 ( 今天股價)= 周息率 6.6% 啊。

If the calculation is correct, UCHITEC's profit next quarter will be at least 33M, and the annual profit will be about 99.6 + 33 = 132.6M. In the past five years, UCHITEC's dividend payout rate has exceeded 90%. From this point of view, the annual dividend should be 132.6 *0.9 = 122.94 M, divided by the number of outstanding shares 46 mil share, the dividend per share should be 0.27. The company paid out only 0.17 cents this fiscal year, and next quarter's dividend is estimated to be 9 to 10 cents. Oh my god 0.27/4.08 (today’s stock price) = dividend yield 6.6%.
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Chua Thomas
Should be special dividend then.. Either way, still a good profit..
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Samuel Chan
Hopefully my calculations make sense
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Michelle Bee
good calculation
hope can get div as per your..
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Samuel Chan
@micheal bee should be, otherwise share prices will drop tremendously
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Chua Thomas
5 cents dividend.. okay la..
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Samuel Chan
業績算對,股息off 料 也OK 啦

後來才發現,根本沒有off , 我還低估了
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Kai Shien Ooi
proposed 7.5 cents dividend as well
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Samuel Chan
@kai shien ooi didn’t see the announcement? In the qr report right?
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Ananda Ee Lov Ang
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Final dividend RM0.075要等AGM approval + 3rd interim dividend RM0.05 总共RM0.125
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Yeap Boontat
Third interim 5 sen
Final 7.5 sen
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Samuel Chan
I saw it already, need company board to approve , for sure approve , wang pun tak mau kah?
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Michelle Bee
mean one more final dividend 0.075 pay on June lo
total dividend YE2023 0.295
EPS = 0.292
almost pay out all profit
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Michelle Bee
look like will pay every quarter for next
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Mei Ling Yong Heng
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Chua Thomas
Oh, just saw also.. niceee
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Oong KuokSung
马币贬值就投资这公司吧 太强了
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