Khaw Yean Thye's comment on OCK. All Comments

Khaw Yean Thye
7 Like · Reply
Slowly and steady coming for 55-56 target hopefully patience will be rewarded.
cesc loh
要突破 0.55-0.56 这价位虽然很难,但愿如此,不求一飞冲天,一步一步来也okay哈哈
1 Like · 6 months · translate
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Khaw Yean Thye
With improved visual on growth of 5G towers and the mulling of sustain dividends with a healthy cash flow whats there to stop it passing 56 forward 63 and above. Hopefully this coming qtr has a further improved result and may prompt many analyst radar unto it
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Like · 5 months · translate
Khaw Yean Thye
With impending 2nd 5G development looks like potential fr another steady move to 68-70 cts hopefully Fingers crossed.
1 Like · 2 months · translate
Yong Hao
coming soon.....
1 Like · 2 months · translate
Eng Seng
waiting go back to 70 cts with support by good revenue.. ya.. slow and steady move should be enough to achieve the goal
2 Like · 2 months · translate
Yong Hao
starting to move ....
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Yong Hao
2019年以来的新高, 继续加油, 看好你
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Gerbilg Rat
Up trend again.. let’s go!
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