Yongjie Leow's comment on RENEUCO. All Comments

Yongjie Leow
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ok nice Reneuco completed the acquisition of ASSB, so now no reason for the share price to stay weak anymore...
Yongjie Leow
MOF will become 1 of the substantial shareholder after today guys
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The Undertaker
how do you know?
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Mohd Razif Mohd Shah
Yahoooo…finally long awaited announcement..limit up today !!!!
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Yongjie Leow
It is in the acquisition document many many months ago, Reneuco will be buying over ASSB which owns 3 hydro plants in Sabah which are already operational. 1 of ASSB's investor is E&E catalyst which is a 99% subsidiary of MOF, it is in the documents.... so after this acquisition E&E will get 87m shares issued to them at 0.22/share and they will be a substantial shareholder base on the enlarged sharebase... so if MOF agreed to be in Reneuco....what does it mean
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Kin An Chai
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thomas lim
justforfun, clear the huge road block of 0.225,0.23,&0.235 then only we talk la
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Yong Kua
The timing is just nice, someone is accumulating while the acquisition is complete
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Yong Kua
Reneuco drop from 0.6x to 0.2x last year was due to lack of funds. But now, as the acquisition is fulfilled, meaning funding is no longer an issue. Time to back to its fair value, at least should be 0.5 above.
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Yongjie Leow
the timing was always being controlled by them, but yes funding was an issue but in their latest QR, they secured 70m of funding and 350m more from bonds...... i guess things may really start to take a big turn from here on?
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Alan Tam
mof masuk finally. At issue price of 0.22 lolz
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The Undertaker
why say mof alan?
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Yongjie Leow
Because it is MOF lo it is in their acquisition document
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Alan Tam
I read news only lol, can refer to the link weden shared.
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Yongjie Leow
To recap for everyone: reneuco is acquiring a company called ASSB which owns 3 operational hydro plants in sabah with a feed in tariff agreement FOR 21 years. 1 of the investor of ASSB is a company called E&E catalyst which is 99% owned by MOF
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Yongjie Leow
After the listing of the shares tomorrow, mof will hold 8%
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Kin An Chai
0.25 tp 能不能,好不好
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Yongjie Leow
why only 0.25? hold your tickets....higher will be coming
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Kar Kheong
run for life
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Kin An Chai
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hahaaa dilution..coming reneuco base share open mkt rise to 1,071,542,671.. fm 742k shares

expected downtrend
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Yongjie Leow
dilution of shareholdings only not share price because the shareholders who are getting the shares will not sell
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Mohd Razif Mohd Shah
just ignore bro..M KFood already missed the tickets..why so worry u still can buy at this price..hahaha
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Alan Tam
Can buy and sell in same day mah. As long as earn can tp, apa takut dilution. Lolz
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Yong Kua
Dilution isn't all bad, depending on the situation. For this case, major shareholders won't sell in open market, so it is nor consider as free float shares that will increase selling pressure.
Secondly, dilution of EPS. After the acquisition, Reneuco will definitely earn more than before, so what to worry.
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