WenChong Ng's comment on GENM. All Comments

WenChong Ng
73 Like · Reply
直接变垃圾股 收了一年了 价差都不够补股息 收了个寂寞
kent choong
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Nick Chung
tim 几年前我玩过手套的刀,很幸运从那里学了不少,当初我分批接刀因为我想到大机构要出完票,一定要反弹分批出。。从开始大跌到反弹。。赚了点钱。。感恩股市带来人生的经历。
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Nick Chung
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tim foo
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不接刀那唯有砍刀了。。 刀需要磨一磨才利
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genting 今天大跌已经通知你们genm 也会跟着跌
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Jian Wei
Genm 算稳了没什么跌
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Nick Chung
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tired give up..change other better
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Jian Wei
Hopefully the Miami land can be sold
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Hopefully will be able to add next week :)
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Raymond Fah
Lilly 新高
给多五年 会不会 赢科技股 ?
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Nick Chung
对啊。大家都只是看科技股。。没人看 lily 这个。。好强
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Raymond Fah
不过价钱很辣一下 。。。。。
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Raymond Fah
主要大股东也一直套利 。。。
三思 。。。三思 。。。
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no price is too low for a bear and too high for a bull as the saying goes. Approval of donanemab means it can tap into 5bil to 7bil range of market size for Alzheimer drugs; at least half of it.
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Nick Chung
drug or no drug doesn't affect Gentings main business. drug is just additional bonus~~
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i thought you guys were talking about Eli Lily's donanemab :)
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Genting's TauRx HMTM should really be treated as bonus due to the outcome of its clinical trials challenges. The first step is to pass FDA advisory committee, thereafter, FDA will make their decisions accordingly. News will not be able to make any difference / influence the approval process :)
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Jian Wei
Wonder how’s the crowd during this long holiday weekend
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Sky Chong
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One of the few tailwinds gaining momentum :) q2 is good and the latest payroll data means it will be good for q3 and q4 too.
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Agreed, Michael. Lesser downside volatility from forex which can be over 100M quarterly.
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tim foo
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Jian Wei
Drop again today soon will hit 2.5
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yes, tim foo. a weaker USD is favourable for GenM and vice versa.
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hopefully, jian wei.
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Eddy Khoo
without any catalyst in near future, genm would cont to be in down spiral until next QR. 2.40 is possible since it would need another 5-6 weeks for the QR to be released.
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No rush, Eddy. RWNYC full casino license decision is expected by next year; 12 to 18 months time frame. Miami land sales will probably be concluded during the same time frame. Lots of time for us to monitor and make decisions accordingly.
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Tiong C.B.
国泰哥的年薪近两亿。难怪他躺平steady bombibi.
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Eddy Khoo
with such a longer time frame, best is to move some funds to other counters and focus there. with that I have cut some losses and reduced some of my position in GenM for the moment. will see how it s going in September after GenM released its results in end August. possible could pick back some positions at 2.35-2.40 in 6 weeks time.
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All is well, Eddy. Have faith in your own plans.
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Nick Chung
got catalyst ma . . PAS rejoins the unity government ... haha
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现在只是每天跌一点,等q2 的烂业绩出来会一支大跌等罢了,2.40以下是很大机会,背离马股指数哈哈哈
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Lol, cw holders must be freaking out and stressed.
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哈哈哈,怕什么反正跌就对咯,跌到2.40 以下就是大好机会哈哈哈,过年见2.30
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RVIX looking good again :)
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marvellous s3mn
what is cw holders???
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Cheng 你不要骗散户了,2.80一直吹,哈哈哈现在2.50了你也一直吹哈哈哈,看来2.30 你也会一直吹,预算案很大机会拿genm 开刀
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lau andy kok chong
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call warrants, marvellous.
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Nick Chung
哇骂人了。。。xD 冷静 上帝要你灭亡必先让你疯狂~
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Lol, 超人类. Carry on :) Its public forum. Haha
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Nick Chung
你可以卖 0.005 。。拿回 10千了~
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你们看看sime跌到 2.52现在反弹到2.68了,反而genm领导人拿高薪什么都做不到,管理者有问题
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Nick Chung
多么希望他有问题制造假象给散户们砍票。。。呵呵 负面新闻快来了 加油
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many different perspectives when it comes to trading technical chart, raymond fah. there's different time frames too. monthly indicators to confirm weekly, weekly to confirm daily and daily to confirm intraday if you will. if you are looking at longer term trades / monthly chart for GenM, its currently testing the trendline support. you can combine with other indicators that you like. Having said that, it will be interesting to monitor whether the trend that started end of 2020 will be ended if the trendline support is broken.
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4 Like · 2 days · translate
Nick Chung
所以我还没买。。在研究他的图。。是蛮特别的股。哈 太多因素可以放进图里
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leo king
指数不断往上它往下。其实难受的是长期投资者。玩warrant 输了砍了没事。母股资金大长期套着尤其是看到别的股不断起时更难受。
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Waiting for daily chart confirmation, Nick :) Complex formation is one of the few possibilities. But it requires volume to pick up; volatility if you will.
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It is uncomfortable to do nothing indeed, leo king. especially in a public forum commentaries - h9e, sell9e, overweight, underweight, buy, sell, #@$@$%, earned thousands, hundred thousands and some even earned millions, pointing fingers and putting other people down, and etc. Have fun with the diverse comments and dont take it seriously. Follow your own plans will do.
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xiao ming
hidden gem amway 8.50%股息,基本面强稳 对比市场中的高息股明显低估
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Eddy Khoo
this counter has been controlled and manipulated by the operators. it won't follow the trends. it follows what they want. GenM can make a billion profit and yet it can fall. For now, they not looking to push up GenM above 3. That's all
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Eddy Khoo
once they are done with whatever bottom price they set, next up back to 2.80-2.90 again. it has been like this since 2022. else what justify 2.50 now in comparison to weaker biz in 2021/2022?
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Jian Wei
Want to average down also hesitating now
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K.M. Tah
生意不能维持 因为消费降级
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tim foo
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xiao ming
tim foo 这样准吗?可是我看你comment买的股全部不会起的勒?
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tim foo
Xiao ming 你说的没错,你听下好了别当真,哈哈。。。
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WenChong Ng
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tim foo
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Jian Wei
This qr is not good just because of the forex and yet the share price dropped so much, ridiculous
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Yong Jason
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Yong Jason
QR confirm 淋懒亏损,还是大巨亏。。快快跳命。还来得及。就是刚刚好我们见证历史这一刻。大马云顶倒闭
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Malaysia 123
见证so hai 在自言自爽。。。。
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Yong Jason
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Jian Wei
From the selling queue looks like gonna break 2.5
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Nick Chung
tough stock , banker in full control ,retailer over crowded atm. we will see more cut loss in coming months :)
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Nick Chung
? GENM Overall score 18/34 (53%)

Valuation Score 3/6:
✅ Below Fair Value:
GENM (MYR2.5) is trading below our estimate of fair value (MYR3.52)
✅ Significantly Below Fair Value:
GENM is trading below fair value by more than 20%.
❌ Price-To-Earnings vs Peers:
GENM is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (27.1x) compared to the peer average (21.1x).
❌ Price-To-Earnings vs Industry:
GENM is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (27.1x) compared to the Asian Hospitality indust
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Jian Wei
Does the early redemption of the bond helps ?
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look forward to q2 results end of next month.
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Lol, TN. The announcement yesterday should answer your previous question of the recent MTNs. Its debt financing and early redemption of previous MTN.
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A1 - cheaper than equity financing, A2 - no penalty for early redemption, A3 - lesser expenses / interest means cost savings. part and parcel of MTNs which includes managing it. Just my personal opinions. could be wrong.
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lol, you can join the next AGM to ask the BODs :) there is no penalty and this is not the first early redemption of its MTNs and shall not be the last either.
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MTNs = debt financing and managing MTNs including early redemption = debt management. Nothing bad :) As for expenses particularly interest expenses - it is the right thing to do. This is not the first early redemption and another major transaction early of this year was to reduce the interest expense from Empire. There is no rush at the moment unless a black swan event that put a halt to its entire fleet of resorts/casinos and Miami land sales is a wild card on hands; ~more than 4bil net proceeds based on previous deal that didnt go through.
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Feel free to post your questions and comments in the next AGM :)
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Nick Chung
ehh gais chill la. don't make urself complicated .. it's business itself is complicated , over thinking will worn u out. .
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haha, public forum, Nick. its ok to exchange opinions as long as its not personal attack :) So far so good here.
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Nick Chung
accounting shenanigans its fine. as long as the business itself is visible ya, unlike serbadk case, cant even see its ongoing projects... xD
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Nick Chung
ohhh i alredy mentioned ma. republican used to be conservative with gambling business compared to democrat. so its not a worrying issue.
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Nick Chung
whatever views on genm is just emotional support , price and action itself should be logical
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presidential election impact on leisure and hospitality industry / GenM US assets?
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Nick Chung
well he mentioned about the presidential election donations on gambling stocks .. haha
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ooh ok. not sure about that. low price is always welcomed :) not much volatility again after two good days :(
3 Like · Yesterday · translate
KUALA LUMPUR: The ringgit has strengthened against the US dollar in the early trade today, buoyed by expectations of a global interest rate cut which has been dampening sentiment towards the greenback, an analyst said.
At 9 am, the ringgit rose to 4.6900/6970 versus the US dollar from yesterday's close of 4.6985/7010.
Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd chief economist Dr Mohd Afzanizam Abdul Rashid said the US Dollar Index (DXY) fell as the United States (US) Federal Reserve (Fed) chair Jerome Powell indicated that a rate cut would happen without needing to wait for the country’s inflation to be lower than 2.0 per cent.
"It seems like a risk-on mode as the US Fed is on track to reduce the Fed Fund Rate (FFR) in September," he told Bernama.
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3 Like · 21 hours · translate
3 Like · 21 hours · translate
Lol, dont pull my legs 超人类. I am just a small shareholder here sharing information and learning from others. I think the usdmyr trend is looking really good lah. Q2 is good and Q3 & Q4 should be trending better with the US Fed actions. At 4.6000 and lower, its even better than Q4'23. Basically, no negative surprises from forex for GenM's earnings. Thats just my opinions, could be wrong.
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Nick Chung
usd myr 4.2.... sgd myr 3.2... :)
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That's huge, Nick. 4.2 means more than 10% from the peak in Q1'24 and that is more than +300M profit from forex itself.
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Nick Chung
ain't joking . after the announcement of diesel subsidy removal , currency drop a bit now rebound stronger . continue to monitor :)
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Jian Wei
Yay green today, buy support queue looks good too
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Jian Wei
Myr appreciated against usd to 4.66 Nicee
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Mari Gold
The issue now is what will happen if genm remove from klse index, might drop further....
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Nick Chung
world funds like JPmorgan gave a good review on Malaysia market. guess they've started positions in Asian market prior to CPI announcement and upcoming interest rate reduction. while many still laughing at Malaysia , same at back then when JPmorgan slash Topglove 50% price noone believe them. enjoy and have a good day. :)
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Eric Keh
rebound now...。。till dec
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foreign abang are the KLCI net buyers in July though relatively small. Should be seeing higher participation from them with the JPMorgan positive review. The next quarter end balancing for GenM will be interesting with QR in Aug and interest rate cut starting as early as Sep; opportunity to get out of long term consolidation :)
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Tteffub Nerraw
出家冇人工 JPmorgan
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