CK LOO's comment on DGB. All Comments

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之前买了22,000unit价位在0.07,请问after share consolidated 我的价位会变去多少?
Keith Lim
After consolidation 你的价位是 0.7
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momo chick
22000 : 2200
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Vincent TAN
After Share consolidated 以今天现在的行情,你的价位是0.1,你有22,000unit就的总价值等于RM2200. 要看14Sept下午5pm 闭市的行情
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mad saidi mad saad
normally, what will happen to warant after share Consol ?
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momo chick
22000 : 0.07 : RM1540 to 2200 : 0.7 : rm1540
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Nick Chung
this stock looks like gonna fly after share console.
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Nick Chung, hope like your said. Thanks all for responses.
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momo chick
fly bcuz of pp?
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Shark Fin
Market cap very low liao la, 0.01 only 19M market cap, drop to 0.005become less than 9M market cap, some ppl say after consol will drop back 0.01, aiyo, after consol if 0.01, only 1.8M market share, cant even buy house la, btw nta is 0.08 total nta value is 152M

Boss after consol wan pp 66M share, aiyo, if after consol drop to 0.01 he only get 660k, aiyo, malu xia
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Nick Chung
will fly higher soon.
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Wait and see....
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history repeat.... same tactic... still alot of people buy in..
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Shark Fin
40% liao, wish me all the best, wish u all the best, see how far can fly
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Nick Chung
good price to take profit
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Shark Fin
60%lo still far away, those who know will know, who don know also no need explain, later say we cheat people up car, hahahha
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Sheng Ye
请问consolidate 是什么
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Ming jet
Consolidate 合股= 10和1
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