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If you are a fundamental investor, you rely on the financial statements to provide you with a picture of what is happening. When you have concerns about the reliability of the financial statements, why would you still consider the company?
the report was so good before the auditor made public ok. so, even fundamental player get trapped. After it was suspended, when i re-open, it gapped down 2 to 3 times. that is about 90% lost already. But what we dont understand is, the penalty for faking the reports is so low. Imagine taking billions and pay penalty of million. This is loophole in the system and causing honest investor a victim.
I think over the past few years there was a lot of discussions about whether the annual reports show the true picture, etc. Some of the discussions even veered of points with socio-political views. At the end of the days, investors - especially fundamental ones - look at business performance. I think what is happening today shows who were talking rubbish and who were speaking the truth about the business performance/prospects.
imho the fundamentals isn't good, negative fcf for years since 2015, current assets is made largely on receivables and numerous pp despite company's qr showing increasing earnings (big red flag as those earnings are bloated and categorised as receivables instead of becoming cash balances). Anyway just stay out companies with symptoms above
Years ago, I was unfortunate to invest in Megan Media that touted itself as the "world largest CD manufacturer". It turned out to be a full of corporate governance issues. When I saw SERBADK growth when it first got listed, it reminded me of Megan Media and I avoided it.