Lionel Essi's comment on FFB. All Comments

Lionel Essi
50 Like · Reply
接近20亿市值的牛奶公司。十亿都给多他。还二十亿?! 真的good luck ^^ll tp 0.5
Peng Zhong Wong
刚借了100m sukuk 的债要还利息的,另外没收回的钱有162m,欠人家没还的钱113m
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Steven Ho
我知道莫莫人能看到我留言。是你block 我的。我只是测下你有没有2个户口。测试后我知道你有2个户口。我也有2个。我本就不想再争论下去。我接受auditor 的见意,不在和莫莫人争论,前提是莫莫人不再酸散户,尊重别人。
4 Like · 11 months · translate
业绩不是看青,就是看红。 讲PE 其次就是不要被套,或者已经被套。 靠背靠不没用。 dividend 拿来。
3 Like · 11 months · translate
Steven Ho
这次ffb 让不少散户赚到钱。别再说散户不懂股票
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Steven Ho
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Peng Zhong Wong
应该说只有后期进来的散户赚钱,volume profile显示有60%的人平均价在1.66左右
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Steven Ho
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Steven Ho
像peng 这样说就很好。60%人平均价1.66是数据。前期后期买的都有散户和大户
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Kevin Tam
一年赚5000 万,还是被高估了很多。。消费股不值PE28-29 以上。。
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Peng Zhong Wong
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Kevin Tam
手套股是因为被8-10 家投行给太乐观的展望加TP而吸引几万散户一起推高。。也有几位网络投资大师加持。。涨的太高就需要小心
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Kevin Tam
这里的讨论本来只是说FFB,后来变成不愉快事件,觉得我也应该离开这个FFB counter 3 个月,让不愉快的人感到快乐一点. 性格是别人不攻击我,诬蔑我,我是很友善聊天的。。Anyway, thanks Auditor n Amanda to be fair for this incident ….
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Nick Chung
5个月前这个明灯说了拯救散户。。。之前cut loss 真的可怜
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Nick Chung
5 Like · 10 months · translate
Steven Ho
所以他准备消失3个月。只有FFB 业绩好才能必免莫莫人在发表伟大言论。这就是看不好踩的不良做风。
4 Like · 10 months · translate
Steven Ho
还好我相信ffb才没被他吓走。可怜那些被他忽悠卖低的人。他和EPF 比毛都不是。
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Steven Ho
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Nick Chung
喝过farm fresh 的产品知道他是非常强的 competitor。 这些东西可以肉眼去体验之类的公司,好过你买其他股根本体验不到,买这家股的人有他们的理由 。我没票但恭喜你们
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Lionel Essi
哇。 怎么那么多message?! 想好好的在美国游玩都不行. Good luck.
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Chan Ah Pek
傻吊 lionel 整天good luck
美国可能是在us pizza
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Lionel Essi
ah pek. 没关系. 你自己syok sendiri 就好 XD 我睡先, 明天还要shopping整天 ^^ Good luck.
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alpha jack
190 days, a fellow called sisi cursed the stock when it reached 40percent alr...less than half year.what now?
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Lionel Essi
To you 6 month is fast. To me 6 month is slow. Remember, time is cost and cost is time. I already earned more than 100% Good luck
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yee tuck hing
no right or wrong important is can earned some money ?
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andy l
when price drops, surely many will curse. but as investor, we should be jump on any opportunities to buy at low.
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alpha jack
no matter u earn 1000% no one cares..but u open up yr view and that is wrong ...and u become a clown, someone I can remember to tease of ...hahaha...u sorchai la
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alpha jack
I know 50sen when to arrive ...u die and reborn 10times maybe that will happen.hahaha...sorchai
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Lionel Essi
Time still early. Let's see till the end. Good luck water fishes :)
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andy l
this is a forum to share information and learn from other investors. not a platform for you guys to curse each other here.

we only interested in valuable sharing about FFB
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KC Chiok
agreed, let's not fight and aim towards common interest, testing 1.4, breaking out soon
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Nick Chung
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Peng Zhong Wong
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KC Chiok
new level of sideway hope for good quarter result coming
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Luck Lee
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Ho Patrick
kelvin tam.FFB 1.5了。FFB起就不见人影。降就出来讲费话。你是最烂课程老湿
1 Like · 6 months · translate
KC Chiok
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Lionel Essi
都接近300天了 ^^|| 这样投资really good luck
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Kevin Tam
原来Ho Patrick 是没有学生愿意参加课程的过气课程佬。。收到。。:)
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Steven Ho
好心你们不懂就静静。 essi, tam有本事就告诉大家什么股未来会起。不是看到股票跌才出来酸
2 Like · 4 months · translate
Lionel Essi
Morning. 哇。 刚起身就看到那么多留言lol. 是的最近比较静因为我这个月在london lolXD 。 好心啦. 差不多一年才慢慢起回。去看我的之前的post 两礼拜赚了多少%先. Haha. 不说了, 去吃早餐先等下继续去扫货. Good luck
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Lionel Essi
看你应该被套了一年。 Remember time is cost snd cost is time. Good luck
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Kevin Tam
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andy l
I believe those condemn it's either never go to buy farm fresh products.. or at least go to lotus to see the selling.
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Lionel Essi
Tam. 就是不懂怎样算Fv的人才说2以上。 应该看太多fb 了,应该去学下怎样算fv. Good luck
1 Like · 2 months · translate
Meng soon Chong
Lionel Essi 写这个post是在June2023 当时候股价1.31。如果当时Essi在那个价位买了FFB的股票 以现在1.63的股价 他会赚17.56%。

June 2023 距离现在大概425天。算出来annually也有赚15.14%。这个赚幅比任何市场上的fd更好

所以不知道lionel essi每次在那里唱衰这个股票 说别人被套牢 可是其实认真去算 亏的是他自己
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Lionel Essi
Haha. 有那么给你算到。你就不会在这里了XD 既然那么难算你都会算。怎么intrinsic value 就不会算? 而且才15%. 同期有很多科技股去到50%了. good luck
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Chan Ah Pek
我的价位1.345 现在 1.66
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Nick Chung
bro sometimes we just diam diam don't comment too much.. u know post tp 0.5 like this make ppl cut loss now 1.67 they won't feel good... good luck
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Meng soon Chong
Essi所以你承认 你错失了赚15%的机会啦?
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Lionel Essi
15 % vs 50%... 所以你怎么选. Lol good luck
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KC Chiok
Warren Buffet level investment skill
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M K Wong
Talk 4 also no use... Today closing 1.70...someone will say this price will drop someone will say the price will go up. Trust who? Trust yourself... Read the QR... Be your own judge!!!
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andy l
are all these arguments valid? just invest if you think undervalue. if you think overpriced, continue to observe but be happy for those earning.
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Meng soon Chong
Andy good mentality ?
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Yong Jason
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Steven Ho
还好我坚持不相信tam和essi. 1块大买特买。信穷酸tam 和essi不穷也难
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Lionel Essi
steven ho /ho patrick. 以你的ffb 15% vs 我的nvidia 超过50%. 实际上超过75%以上因为我一直每个月都存股。直到今年中才慢慢卖出。呵呵。Remember time is cost and cost is time. Good luck
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M K Wong
U make 75% profit in a year...good...congrats so what? If you want to brag about it, why not put up a copy of the statement of how much u buy and sell...advertise it in newspaper, TV commercial? Don't forget to also put a copy of your IC as well.
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KC Chiok
very nice reply! straight forward
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Lionel Essi
Wong why should I published to public since those persons challenged me also didn't published anything. Some of them even have yacht and everyday cruise out for sunrise/set. Good luck.
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M K Wong
Then why brag about it? What's your purpose?
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andy l
he's too boring and to seek attention.
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Lionel Essi
Why people say OK but I say cannot. Or you guys like liar but sweet rather than truth but cruel. I say based on sources and you said based on seafood which is really funny and good luck
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Meng soon Chong
Ok Lionel Essi, so with the latest FFB quarter result, what is your tp for this stock? Is it still RM0.50 or you have new tp?
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Lionel Essi
No need here challenge me at front, and report me at the back. This show you scare and not confident. Good luck
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Lionel Essi
They don't believe fundamental. Instead they only believe their intuition. Somehow it took more than 1 year to reach back to the previous peak which is really good luck
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Meng soon Chong
Bro Essi I am still waiting for your tp
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Lionel Essi
My tp is same as intrinsic value which you can find it in Google. Try do more homework. Good luck
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Auditor Consultant
price is what you pay

value is what you get

just look at intrinsic value

this is the core value in fundamental investment

price fluctuation is inevitable

so whatever curve curve is just a noise arising from Adam Smith invisible hand of willing buyer willing seller

intrinsic value is the best to be relied upon for your investment decision
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Meng soon Chong
Essi thats a very evasive response but well expected from you.
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M K Wong
Keep telling others "you are wrong" but when asked "what is right?" the answer will always be... Go and Google it. Do your homework!! Thanks for sharing the usefulness of Google you kind hearted individual.
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Lionel Essi
Meng soon. Not evasive. You actually can browse any intrinsic value website and just put in the company name and they will generate result for you. All my word are supported by the sources . Unlike others just talk seafood without giving anything at all. At least i share the link or way at my best effort. But bear in mind that I can't spoon feed everytime right. Investment is a knowledge which require alot of effort to master it. Good luck.
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Lionel Essi
Mk. Then you show me the proof please. Anyway, at least better than you ask the rice to get 4 digit. Got scientific way don't want to learn but going to ask 2 coconut to get the number. good luck.
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Meng soon Chong
Bro Essi, based on my google search, simply wall street gave an intrinsic value of RM1.91. And some website gave intrinsic value of RM1.60. Can bro Essi tell me which google result should i choose ya, and which website your tp 0.5 was based on previously
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andy l
he forget to mention that the intrinsic value was few years ago.
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Lionel Essi
Andy. Yes how you know it. LolXD intrinsic value might change from time to time. In facts, I have had long time didn't check again on this stock. Anyway, just found yahoo finance and they given rm 1.4.

So again this post already past 428 days and you guys brought up this post again for what purpose. Challenge me? Remember time is cost and cost is time. Whats the point if stucked here for more than 1 year and earn nothing. Good luck.
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1 Like · 1 month · translate
andy l
investing is about to gain money and not to pick fight with anyone. it really depends on your own risk appetite. so no wrong or right.
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Jonz Wikk
ytd ffb seems to be on a nice uptrend
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Ffb没有不好 只有更好,请放心的投资。
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Meng soon Chong
1.74 and still going strong… congrats all shareholders
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Jonz Wikk
Good to see the continuance of the uptrend
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Lionel Essi
Sigh. Spent more than 1. 5 year to go back to initial price. Which is really good luck
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Lionel Essi
Buy low sell high bro. No one ask you chase high Lol good luck
1 Like · 1 month · translate
都说了Ffb是个好股 请放心去投资,有赚到钱的 就恭喜大家了^^
2 Like · 4 weeks · translate
Lionel Essi
Congratulations those who kena trapped for more than 1 year plus finally release. Good luck
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andy l
where are those haters?
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Meng soon Chong
Haters gonna hate… for me I just quietly collecting profit… average price rm1.50 only
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Wendy Koh
时间说明ho是对的。之前ho 和kevin争论好一段时间。酸民essi ,kevin都是不会投资的
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Lionel Essi
Wendy. Harta妳还好吗。那么快就忘记了。还有simeprop. 怎么没看到妳在那边出声呢?Haha. good luck.
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Jonz Wikk
Looks like ffb is a good stock to hold. Hope for more good things from this company
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Steven Ho
哈哈哈。这里有kevin, essi丢脸丢到很难看。假利害。kevin消失了。以后别看到股票跌就去酸。像我们跌去买的都赚到笑。我很忙,没空理你们这些无知酸民。FFB让我口袋满满。别妒嫉我。酸民都是草包,穷酸
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Meng soon Chong
真的 认真去分析一个公司 如果相信公司的前景 还有觉得公司估值还有上涨的空间 就不要怕股价跌 越跌就越average down罢了 之后上回去就会赚很多了
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Wendy Koh
ping ping 说的对。明明几角钱时把simepro说的一文不值,起到1.50后跌少少就讲得那些买几角的都亏。老娘认我看错harta. essi 你买3.50,2.80也是亏啊。我在那里静静因为怕被某某人拉黑。你被她拉黑,活该。是男人就别婆婆妈妈。错就认,不懂就学。别只会酸。
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Lionel Essi
Hahaha. Wendy. 妳的手套comment还没删掉对吗? good luck
1 Like · 3 weeks · translate
Ping Ping
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Lionel Essi
Hahaha. Ping ping. 你讲那么多废话都从没show过证据还有link. 的确是很good luck.
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Jonz Wikk
good to see ffb back to the highs. hope for better performance from this company
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flying to the moon. This round can go rm 3 gogogo
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