nazr zach's comment on BAHVEST. All Comments

nazr zach
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Lo definitely in deep trouble. He has problem with MACC and now a police case. He is going to loose his landlease.
The damage is not actually a damage. All equipment are above ground. Gold mining needs water to separate gold and soil. Lo's accomplice use excavator to break reservoir bund wall. easy fix. use sandbag. plug the leak. get water tankers fill in the reservoir. pump back water into Water storage tank. Gold mining will be up and running within 7days.
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kangkung belacan
how do you know about this ?
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nazr zach
Not everyone can drive an excavator. You need keys. Not only you must know how to drive on a rugged terrain, you also need to know how to use hydraulic controls.. it's so obvious. Tyre tracks will be there. Special Branch will definitely investigate this case. Lo and his Assist GM did it.
After this, put up high fence and barb wires, hire armed security guards c/w dobermans and surveillance cameras.. Just like Kg Baru during Emergency/Darurat times.
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nazr zach
pls read news from Sinchew and China Press.
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nazr zach
I never thought Lo can be this stupid!!!!
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fei fun
now become worse than commercial crime, the person behind in big trouble
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nazr zach
Yes, fei Fun. You are right. This also helps pinpoint weaknesses surrounding gold mining areas to the higher management and new owner.
We definitely need to appoint ex State Police Commissioner in our Board of Director.
I hope they don't implement strip search before leaving our gold mine...
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hunang wong
Loh to be gangster, wait to jail very soon!
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sws lss
I love stories.
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nazr zach
once Bahvest charge Lo's and his accomplice for destroying private properties, making death threats, causing physical harm, breakings, I am sure majistrate will revoke their passports and issue a restraining order to keep away from TAWAU or even Sandakan fearing that he might harrass witnesses during court proceeding..
We will welcome Lo's and gang in Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan.
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kangkung belacan
Is it fake news ? Why people intends to buy this stocks ?
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nazr zach
Because Market sees that the new management is addressing their issues the right way and confident BAHVEST will win their case.
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sam sam
Would you announce to bursa if it’s fake news? It’s a crime do you know? 23/6 already react to the news. So today up is just part of the game
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nazr zach
Its not fake news. They already lodge a police report.
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nazr zach
The best part is this. whenever there is progress in this case, BAHVEST share price will jump e.g. police detains Lo and accomplice, extend remand order, state revoke SouthSea Gold landlease and etc..
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kangkung belacan
>> The Management is currently actively exploring all available options to resolve the issue and resume gold mining operations.

The gold mining operations at the site have been disrupted since 22 June 2023, and are currently unable to continue. <<

Question :
- Which one is true ? is it the operation still continue or not ?
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sws lss
thank bro nazr, your valuable info.
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sam sam
Kangkung think about it yourself, do not trust anyone in the forum. Generate information and digest yourself my advise to you
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kangkung belacan
My assumption is wrong plus it's hard to sleep thinking this stocks will be up or down for tomorrow. I can't interpret the market.
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kangkung belacan
Sam sam, when company announce the discontinue operation ( when I read the announcement ) , my heart is broke.....
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nazr zach
Usually when something like this happens e.g Armada Kraken Hydraulic Submersible Pump transformer broke down, market exaggerating the gravity of the problem. Its just a transformer. Its can be fixed easily. Because its a specialise equipment, ordering time might take awhile. But ARMADA fixed their transformer in 3 weeks.
BAHVEST on the other hand, there is no equipment failure. They just need to fill their water storage tanks and rebuild its bund wall.
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nazr zach
they want to start operate as soon as they can. They can use sand bags to replace bund wall temporarily. I estimate they can get back operational in 7 days or 4 days min 24hours working around the clock.
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Desmond Pang
The market sometimes is just too sensitive with the word "failure" / "breakdown". Equipment breakdown is very common issue
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nazr zach
Desmond, I agree with you. They made decision to sell without doing assessment the extend of the damage. BAHVEST made it clear that the damage is minor. On top of that, any lost time incurred in their gold mining operation will be claim back to the saboteurs. And Special Branch police always gets the info they want.
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kangkung belacan
Thanks . At least I have try to make a decision as best as I can.
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sws lss
When bad news out but the price is still keeping up, is it meaning that the big boys are fully controlling the shares? while the small fishes gone.
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nazr zach
what this means is big fund shareholders made their decision to continue buying after consulting their financial analysts and legal advisors.
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Yam Fook Wai
bad news, but go up??
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kangkung belacan
>> what this means is big fund shareholders made their decision to continue buying after consulting their financial analysts and legal advisors. <<

Nazr, I think that's why this shares going up. Maybe...
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nazr zach
KB, these people are pros. We are nobody. So we wait until they made their moves and we follow suit.
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Amber Lim
A friend of Loh, dato sri was spotted on site during sabotage.
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Amber Lim
Dato Sri Albert Ling How Ee, known scammer conman wannabe gangster. Director of Southsea Gold Sdn Bhd, friend of Dato Lo Fui Ming at the tawau Mining site supervising the sabotage.
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nazr zach
Let's wait this hits the front page news. BAHVEST surely jumps a few sen soon. Lo has the motive. Special Branch Police will pick up Albert and interrogate him. Albert will break and reveal who else conspire with their saboteur works.. Then police will bring Albert to see magistrate to ask extension for remand to 7 more days.
This is a very good news.
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Amber Lim
Should have been picked up already as macc are on this case. Its very serious offend. This Albert bird bird will sing when interviewed.
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nazr zach
amber, I am sure he will... thank you for this info
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sws lss
Story out. sue sue sue.
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nazr zach
this Lo is even more stupid than we all think. He brings this to court. Judge will take into consideration that Lo was owner of Southsea + Wullerdorf and ED of BAHVEST. He has abused his position, cause destruction to public property and acted against the best interest of shareholders. Court will consider the gravity of his wrongdoings in a public listed company. In the end, Lo will settle this out of court and will loose everything. This process will be an open shut case close easily.
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nazr zach
The Board of Directors of Bahvest wishes to announce that Bahvest has obtained the decision of the Injunction Order (“the Order”) from the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak on 4 July 2023
1 that Southsea Gold Sdn. Bhd. (“4th Defendant”) be restrained from payment
2 be refrained from removing and hindering gold mining operation
3 that the Notice of Application be heard inter partes on 17 July 2023 @ 9.00 a.m. by Zoom before the Honourable Justice Puan Celestina Stuel Galid
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