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See my comment in other counter lah. Bagar. LolXD Been stagnant more than 3 month. who don't know today fly because of fed cut interest rate. Lol remember time is cost and cost is time. And good luck those who get caught for few months and today finally release. Cheer~
See carefully. Actually over past 10 years FED rate chart didnt show negative correlation with capital a share price wor. Like 2018 fed interest up but airasia price up. And now interest rate down but price up pulak. How? XD Good luck
See what you wrote. 'Fed rate hype still dont buy dont say i didnt share tips ya'. Then now you only talk about oil price drop. Lol anyway the hike does not really related to fed based on history. But more likely recent oil price drop. Good luck
See the volume come in not small player la masi tidak beli buat apa kat sini ... i nvr let go my position cause I waiting this final move , ini Kalilah !
this world is controlled by politicians and banks...... oh markets are at an all time high, crash it so that they can buy... if u sell i will lose.... and banks are robbing us on broad day light take our money then loan to us back at 7 to 10% interest... but only give us 4% or less interest if we give...
My predition was right whats next ... pn17 out is sooner or later but delay is expected of course.
Good prospect still for this co with multiple potential i hope nasdaq is real too hehe