azri anuar's comment on CFM-WA. All Comments

azri anuar
2 Like · Reply
Mr lee. Just want ask if i buy the warrant at 1.49 then i want to convert to mother share. So i have to topup another 1.16. Correct?
Michael Lee
Sorry for late reply, yes top up another 1.16.
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King Ianflamming56ou
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Chee Chai Sian
only left chicken rice money...
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King Ianflamming56ou
teh cina panas only.....wakakaaaa
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chanchoon leow
Tan WC godfather going to cellmate with Ajid .
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chanchoon leow
2moro this WA become 5 cent.
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Louise Huat
Wait 0.01 all in buy
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King Ianflamming56ou
air Suam....pun tak ade....wakakaaaa
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Chee Chai Sian
tinggal air paip jer...
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King Ianflamming56ou
be tunggu hujan aje lah.....wakakaaaaa
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