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合约到期,内部消息 苹果有意买进boardcom RFdepartment. 所以apple 在这里是没投资RF 部门.
Broadcom 也是有意出让.时间就在合约到期过后 会洽
淡 .Broadcom have huge business, inari will survive won't impact much long term. Broadcom chip maker, apple chip maker, inari osat tester. Apple chip maker ,inari could be the fav osat tester. Why articles no link up these?
"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." Buy when the market panics-during corrections & bear markets-and avoid chasing euphoria
syndicate-driven short-selling and share price manipulation could be a reason behind the underperformance of local stocks as compared to rising market abroad.三千哥正式启动5千w
"Price is what you pay; value is what you get." Wait for a stock's price to dip below its intrinsic value, calculated from future cash flows, not market hype or analyst price targets.