Jmy Jmy's comment on HONGSENG. All Comments

Jmy Jmy
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More like distribution rather than collection.
nazr zach
Jmy. Use Acc/Dist indicator. You will see clearly market are accumulating Hongseng.
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Stanley 118
ALot sold at 0.245!!!!!!! Later down again.
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Jun Chong
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Jmy Jmy
More than 5 billions shares, investors get drowns.
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Mus Mersal
fly 50 cent
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Yaya Thing
Today fly 50cents?
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Desmond Pang
Finger crossed
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Stanley 118
Today Fly 50cents??? Mahu 10cents pun SUSAH. Mission impossible!!!! Now keep selling!
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nazr zach
Come on Stanley.. the way you see market movements way out la...
For the past 30 minutes, situation were a bit liquid. buyers and sellers fought every sen they can get.
Seeing this, sellers sacrifice their target profit to lower selling price. I dont think this is a wise move.
There are players fending off panic selling.
Now, situation already easing. Buyers are picking up.
We hope sellers will change their mind knowing they can get more profit by repositioning their selling price.
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Stanley 118
Yeah, Bro. Just beware of kedai Pisang Goreng. Nanti digoreng!!! We won't know what Chefs would do!!!
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Stanley 118
OK. Gd luck. Bro
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nazr zach
The good thing is there are two chefs in Hongseng.
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Stanley 118
OK. 5178, 0034, 0041. Kedai sama.
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nazr zach
You should see 4375.
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Jmy Jmy
Very dangerous stock. From 3sen to RM2 and drop to 20 sen.
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nazr zach
This is my quick research on Hongseng.
Hongseng was a loss-making company beginning in 2013 until 2020. From 2020 onwards, Hongseng earnings has increased from 4.5mil to 101.7mil to date. Hongseng launched several initiatives to boost her earning in 2021 by acquiring several companies. Hongseng profit margin is growing. Hongseng ROE is 38% whereas ROCE is 25.7%.
That is why there are many private/public companies+institutions are Hongseng's major shareholders as high as 72%. MarketCap is 1.25bil
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nazr zach
I am not going for long. I am in volatility of their stocks.
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Jmy Jmy
1 sen per day
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nazr zach
If you want to make a quick 1sen, wait until Hongseng broker made his move. Buy when he shorts. Sell when ppl stop selling.
This is not the time to buy Hongseng yet..
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Stanley 118
Now a lot disposal, u want to collect??
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Jmy Jmy
Lot of people initially plan to become trader end up become long terms investor.
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nazr zach
you need constantly think how to make money. Sometimes it's OK we loose money and use that money to make money elsewhere. there is no point keeping your money when there is no sign to get back your money with profit.
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nazr zach
it appears now is the good time to buy but this is what broker want you to see. I suggest we wait.
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Stanley 118
I wait at 0.20.
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nazr zach
wait until trading volume drops below 1mil..
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Jmy Jmy
Will go below 20sen
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nazr zach
I will let you know when its time to buy..
ppl still squeeze Hongseng to go lower
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Stanley 118
Don't let Shark know, dun not chat here. Personally nazr tell jmy. Diam2.
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Stanley 118
Masuk diam2, keluar pun diam2
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nazr zach
buying timing OK.
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momo chick
all in !!!
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nazr zach
Slipping begins..
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Lack Love
maybe 0.20 will have small bounce then drop again
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many people waiting down until 0.20
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Stanley 118
Yes, waiting break 20cents. All in kedai Goreng? Sure go Bankrupt.
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nazr zach
I suggest we all wait for Hongseng new low.
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nazr zach
Hongseng traded volume as at now dropped to 1.1mil only. This is good sign.
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Jmy Jmy
Wait longer, will be wipe up.
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