Sky Light18's comment on ORGABIO. All Comments

Sky Light18
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0.40 on the way
Leuk Khen Boon
sky this one got how much your tp?
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peppi pup
Wah day day ask for tp meh… hari tu sky bukan dah bagitau u ke?
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Sky Light18
i aim for 0.50 , same as before, haha
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Leuk Khen Boon
sorry sky, asked u second time! hahahaha
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Sky Light18
hahaha, no problem la , 0.45 maybe also is a tp price , just I think it maybe can go more. Up to you, just follow your own trade , keep the profit
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Leuk Khen Boon
ok noted sky lord lol
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Itz Kai
0.45 comingg
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Itz Kai
I will follow your tp skylight
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Yvonne Cheah
请问directors disposed票是不是有坏事发生?
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Itz Kai
Disposal of equity shares by promoter simply mean promoters are reducing their stake in the company.
Generally, it sends a negative signal to investors as promoters reduce their stake in the company. Sometimes, promoters sell their stake in the company to en-cash profits. But it also depends on case to case and an investor should look at the company itself before making any decision.
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Yvonne Cheah
Thankiuu for the reply.. Kai Shan
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Itz Kai
You’re most welcome
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Kean Chan
Director 卖票了,run run run
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Sky Light18
can today break 0.40 again, hmmmm
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Itz Kai
gogogo im waiting for so long hahaa, i live up there 0.415
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Itz Kai
Skylight, what do u think of vestland? Will it earn if buy ipo?
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Sky Light18
hmm, I didn't study about it, can't comment too much, paiseh , haha
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Fook wei Lye
@sky nice to see you here again. buy some coffee to drink 1st..hehe
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Sky Light18
stay here for a long time ady , @fook haha
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Fook wei Lye
oh..what's your target for this?
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Sky Light18
will decide after coming qr ... aim for midterm
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Fook wei Lye
ok hope we can get premium coffee from here...I got earned 2 round from this counter before...its good company
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Sky Light18
yeah, if price is low then collect, that is my plan ... cheers
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Fook wei Lye
sure will get your reward from this counter.. cheers
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Itz Kai
Sit tight no worriee, drink some kopi hahaa
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Itz Kai
haha okay no worries
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Fook wei Lye
0.40 soon...
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Fook wei Lye
building uptrend...steady
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Itz Kai
good keep going, minum kopi
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Itz Kai
Challenge 0.42 by friday
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Fook wei Lye
must break and stand above 0.40...then nice
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Itz Kai
Once above 0.40, sit tight and get ready to fly
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Itz Kai
Once more people notice about this counter, then upup
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Fook wei Lye
add some before fly...cheers
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peppi pup
Hopefully tis round would be able to break new high.
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Itz Kai
Coming coming, sit tight guys
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Sky Light18
time to breakout 0.40
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Itz Kai
wohooo fly high no limit
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Fook wei Lye
today closed 0.40 will be nice..
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Itz Kai
Would be just nice if it closes at 0.40 today
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Itz Kai
slowly good and calm
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Fook wei Lye
moving up...go go go
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peppi pup
Ok la slow n steady movement. Guess its preparing itself to break new high. Thick thick sellers block kasi picah in d next coming days or weeks? Lol
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Fook wei Lye
wait and you will get reward soon. cheers
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Itz Kai
gogogo, slow down all no worries we doing good
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Sky Light18
not a bad closing... cheers
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Itz Kai
if break new high congrats all
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Sinchan LKjun
Sky light u still got hold Swscap eh …today Swscap boom down eh
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Sky Light18
swscap still have little only, i had take profit, now waiting for the coming qr only decide... hopefully tmr start rebound
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peppi pup
Powerla u. But u very the noti la… almost conned me tis morning haha
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Sky Light18
orgabio is back again, haha
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peppi pup
Yeahh come on kasi picah new high soon. U r very very near alrdy…
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Itz Kai
Woohoo, tmr break new high gogogo, I believe in you
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Itz Kai
It is officially back again hahaa
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Fook wei Lye
congrats everyone believe it...get our reward soon...see you 0.50
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Itz Kai
0.50 tp first, gogogo
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peppi pup
See 45 can sustain or not first… then baru aim higher ma… ini shark manyak noti eh…
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Sky Light18
tmr see can reach 0.46 or not, haha
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Sinchan LKjun
Hopefully can break new high …n I think next qr would be good
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Itz Kai
Lets wait for the next QR i doubt its doing really good
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Itz Kai
wahh 0.46 hopefully lo, would be nice straight to 0.50 hahaa
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Sky Light18
cheers for tomorrow, haha
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c30 teh
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peppi pup
Why so hopeless? Faith is the only thing tht keeps one going. Be always hopeful and positive in everything we do. But at the same time gotta be realistic as well.
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Itz Kai
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peppi pup
Ohoh don tell me triple top lol..
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Sinchan LKjun
看起来不错 …对等待突破
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Sky Light18
期待明天了 。 。 。 。 。
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Fook wei Lye
@sky retrace few time to continue breakout le... what do you think?
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c30 teh
no tomorrow, never end
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Sky Light18
0.420 break then got show oh... let's see how it goes tmr
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Fook wei Lye
let's see...cheers..
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Itz Kai
Let’s wait for tmr, if it breaks 0.420 we are good to go, hope it does it gogogoo
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peppi pup
If no break apa macam? Probably wanna wait for results only got direction?
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Itz Kai
Overall market dropped, not surprised it dropped a little, orgabio starting to being popular time over time
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Sinchan LKjun
Lucky run away at 0.405 last week …if not gg
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Itz Kai
no worries lah, i guess this counter just needs time and when more people gets noticed about this counter or new agreement etc, orgabio is a good company
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Itz Kai
overall nasdaq drop also , need time
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peppi pup
Opppsss really triple top
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peppi pup
Come down lower im waiting for u…
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Sky Light18
ady been washing out , see when I join back again, cheers everyone
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Itz Kai
haih hopeless, i am staying at high ground 0.415
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peppi pup
I tot u don mind eh even if d price fluctuates? For traders of coz will trade accordingly. Depending on d behavior of d counter. But if u r an investor why fret? If drop u can buy more ma.
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Itz Kai
I sometimes trade and invest, depending on different counters, but yea if in an investor then drop can buy in more
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peppi pup
Well, as long as u know what u r doing and comfortable w tht style of urs tht shud be good enuf. Otherwise will hv to fine tune d best method for urself to apply on.
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Sky Light18
agree with you... follow your own trade method and believe what you think is.Therw is no right or wrong in market. Cheers
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Itz Kai
Yeppp cheers all, it’s been washed out, but I believe it is a good company
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Elon Haha
买太高amkan,我相信好公司股价也会跌,不需要all in
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Elon Haha
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peppi pup
33 can reach bo?
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Sinchan LKjun
Wait drop stable and qr first
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peppi pup
I bot sikit sikit liow bet for qr haha another batch q lower see he mau throw down lower bo
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peppi pup
D qr like tis is good or bad hahhaha… mcm almost no profits eh lol…
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peppi pup
Ok i think can play range edy. Ding dong first b4 next direction.
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c30 teh
265 can be reached
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peppi pup
So low ah… hmmm… jus now i q 30 when saw it but it ate up straight away…
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Itz Kai
So lowww, gg
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peppi pup
Higher low formation hopefully in progress
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c30 teh
lol lol lol lol lol lol
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peppi pup
Why u lol for? Tht day hopeless then suddenly appear lol… sot sot liow ka?
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