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FD offer less than 3% . What's so attractive? Short term trader always making losses compared to long-term investors . Traders and investors have different mindset. A gambler and an investor.
I m still in “accumulating” phase. In a way, hoping for MBB’s price to come down a bit. It’s a no brainer MBB gives the most consistent return so far. With 2 rounds of OPR increased recently, how bad can this QR be ?
Every 25bps increase will give MBB roughly 100 million extra per month in their NIM before gradual adjustment with depositor’s saving.
The results nonetheless will be good. Funds disposing are normal practices. As for the returns is much more than bank Fixed Deposit . Treat it as long term goal for retirement. There's no regret
quote "The bank declared a first interim dividend of 28 sen per share, to be paid no later than in three months. It is to be accompanied by an applicable dividend reinvestment plan — whereby seven sen can be elected to be reinvested in new shares."